Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

December 1868

Isle of Wight Observer:

Dec 5th 1868:  RESIGNATION – Mr. WRIGHT we hear has resigned the appointment of station master, on the Isle of Wight Railway, at Ryde, which he has held for the last few years.

Dec 5th 1868:  MAYOR DASHWOOD – The credit and dignity of this great yachting port will be upheld by the gentleman on whom the municipality has conferred the greatest honour they have it in their power to bestow—that of the first mayoralty of his native town.  His Worship issued invitations to a grand inaugural banquet at the Town-hall, Ryde, on Friday evening, Nov. 27th, to the Mayors of surrounding boroughs, to the members of the Corporation, and many other gentlemen. More about Thomas Dashwood here

Dec 12th 1868:  THE LATE GALE – The papers in all directions have, during the past week, given us details of disasters in connection with the late gale.  We noticed that near the Binstead road, on Sir Thomas COCHRANE’S estate, a large oak tree, five or six feet in circumference, was literally blown to pieces, giving it the appearance of a broken column.  Some damage was also done at the Victoria bathing stage.

Dec 12th 1868:  SACRILEGE – We regret to hear that on Friday evening last some vagabond got into Binstead Church, through one of the windows, and broke open the poor box, which had been fastened with three padlocks, and stole the contents.  It is the custom to open this box once a year, viz., at Christmas, so that the thief or thieves must have netted a pretty good booty.

Dec 12th 1868: I.W. RIFLE VOLUNTEERS – There was a large muster of the Volunteers and their friends at the Victoria-rooms on Wednesday evening, for the purpose of presenting the prizes which had been shot for at the Binstead range, on Thursday 22nd October.  The corps mustered in Lind-street and headed by the band, had a march out, arriving at the Victoria-rooms at 7 o’clock.

Dec 12th 1868:  ADVERT – Dancing, Deportment, and Exercises. Miss Milward JONES has the honor to announce that she has resumed for professional engagements for the season.  The Academy at the Committee Room, Town-hall, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, as usual.  Chester House, Melville-street, Ryde.

Dec 19th 1868:  AMUSEMENTS – These came off at Ashey down on Thursday last, and, in spite of the drenching rain which came on immediately after the first race, was a great success.  The morning was gloriously fine; consequently there were a very large number of spectators, most of the carriages of the gentry of the town and neighbourhood were present.

Dec 19th 1868:  A HAIRLESS MARE – The public will do well to pay a visit to the blue and flesh-colored hairless mare, now exhibiting next door to the Crown hotel.  This extraordinary animal was brought over by an English merchant and presented it to its present owner, having been originally found on the plains of South Africa amidst a herd of quaggas.  The mare has not a vestige of hair on any part of her body.  Large spaces of a lovely rose white tint are observable, chiefly on the sides, face, and quarters.

Dec 19th 1868:  SOUP TO THE POOR – Mr. W. JENKINS, late of Ryde, who has had a meat stall in the Market, gave notice of his intention to distribute a quantity of soup gratis.  There were a large number of recipients, and about 200 quarts were given away at the commencement of the week.

Dec 26th 1868:  OAKFIELD READING ROOM – We draw attention to the inhabitants of this area of the re-opening of the Working Men’s Reading-room for the winter on Monday evening next.  Some amusements are provided for the opening night, which is open to the public at the small sum of one penny admission.

Dec 26th 1868:  CHRISTMAS FARE – The Ryde tradesmen have provided the substantials and delicacies of the season in great abundance; butchers, grocers, poulterers, fruiterers, and all who supply the good things of this life, seem to have vied with each other on this festive occasion.  The reputation of the town in this respect has been fully maintained.