Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

December 1869

Isle of Wight Observer:

Dec 4th 1869:  NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS – We beg respectfully to inform those friends who have promised to advertise in our enlarged sheet, that we have had erected one of Harrild and Sons Vertical Engines, by which we shall be enabled to produce the paper by steam power.  The time is now so short before the issue of the new paper that we shall feel obliged by our friends forwarding their advertisements as early as convenient.

Dec 4th 1869:   PROPOSED SCHOOL OF ART – So far has this matter proceeded, that tenders have been invited from various builders, and that Mr. DENHAM, being the lowest, has been accepted.  The building, which is to be at the back of the Museum, in Melville-street, will be immediately commenced.

Dec 4th 1869:  FREE WESLEYAN TEA MEETING – The anniversary of this religious body was celebrated on Monday last by a tea, to which about 50 persons sat down; after which, a public meeting was held, when addresses were delivered by several friends.  The cause was stated to be flourishing in Ryde.

Dec 4th 1869:  ACCIDENT – An accident happened on Friday night last to a man named Leonard LOADER, employed by Messrs. LANGDON as night watcher at the tram works.  LOADER was found by one of the Coastguard men lying across the tramway, and it was at first thought his ribs were broken, but on conveying to the Infirmary this was found not to be the case, although he has been seriously injured. LOADER is a one-armed man, having been maimed in the service of the Confederates during the late American war.

Dec 11th 1869:  CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS – We are gratified to hear that a movement is a foot with a view of having a general holiday on the Monday succeeding Christmas Day, which we imagine would be a boon not only to the employed but employers as well, as very little business could be expected on that day.

Dec 11th 1869:  RECOVERY – We are happy to hear that Sir Augustus CLIFFORD, bart., has so far recovered from his late accident in the House of Lords that he has been enabled to walk out short distances.

Dec 18th 1869:  LONDON COURT OF BANKRUPTCY – George Henry PARSONS and Tom SAUNDERS, of Ryde, builders, on the 13th December presented their petition and were adjudged bankrupts by this court; and obtained protection until the 6th January next, the day fixed for choice of assignees.

Dec 18th 1869:  ADVERTISEMENT – Magic Lantern and Slides for Hire, with attendance during the Christmas Holidays with views of Europe, India, China, and Egypt. A large number of Comic Slides, 150 different subjects.  Terms moderate. Address, W.H., “Observer” Office, Ryde.

Dec 25th 1869:  ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS – On the 1st January next the Government take possession of all the telegraphic lines in England, consequently the station will be removed from the pier to the post-office, in Union-street, where extensive alterations are being made for the purpose.  The present staff are, we understand, to continue their services.

Dec 25th 1869:  THE HANS BUSK LIFEBOAT – On Monday afternoon the lifeboat was manned by her crew in the presence of Mr. A. F. LEEDS and Captains LOWE and KATON, R.N.  She was rowed and sailed about the Motherbank and various evolutions were performed.

Dec 25th 1869:  RAINBOW – A lunar rainbow was visible in the western portion of the Heavens, on Monday evening, about half-past 6 o’clock.  It lasted but a short time.

Dec 25th 1869:  THE POSTMEN – This hard-worked and ill-paid class of Her Majesty’s servants deserve some consideration at the hands of the public, at least, once a year.  We see they have just issued their annual poetical address to the inhabitants of Ryde, which will, we trust, be warmly responded to.