December 1871
Hampshire Telegraph – Agent: Mr. THURLOW
Dec 2nd 1871: HIGHWAY COMMISSIONERS – The improvement Committee recommended that a temporary wooden framed, one-roomed house be erected at St. John’s toll-gate, near Ryde, and that a bar be placed on the cross-road leading into the Oakfield-road.—Mr. MORGAN, who was present, said he would allow the Commissioners to place the wooden structure on his land free of expense, on condition that they would remove it when he either sold or required the land. Approved of, subject to the conditions.
Dec 9th 1871: THE WILL – of Captain Thomas Robert BRIGSTOCKE, R.N., late of Robert’s Rest, Carmarthenshire, and of Stone Pitts, Ryde, dated April 22 last, was proved in London, on the 21st ult., under £25,000 personality, by his daughter, Mary Harriette Player BRIGSTOCKE, the sole executrix and principal legatee. There are gifts of remembrance to his other children. He devises his freehold estate, Robert’s Rest, also Alltynather Allotment, Carmarthenshire, to his son William Benett BRIGSTOCKE. The gallant captain died October 28 last, aged 76.
Dec 9th 1871: SCHOOL BOARD – At the ordinary monthly meeting of the Ryde School Board on Thursday, the Clerk said that the Finance Committee met the other night to form an estimate for the coming half-year. They could not form an accurate estimate, but they thought, however, that £130 would be sufficient, leaving any balance to be carried over to another half-year.
Dec 13th 1871: PURCHASE OF THE GAS WORKS – The arbitration in this matter was continued on Friday and Saturday. On Friday, Mr. Ebenezer GODDARD, a gas engineer of thirty years standing, said he estimated their value at £65,933. 13s. Various people examined as to the capital, dividends, and expenditure of the company, and various examination were made as to the land held by the company.. On Saturday the case was closed, and an adjournment took place to the 20th inst.
Dec 13th 1871: PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL – On Monday evening the Right Rev. Dr. WILBERFORCE, Bishop of Winchester, presided at a public meeting, held at the Town Hall, Ryde in connection with the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. The Bishop declared that he felt it to be his duty to do all in his power to support the society in every part of his diocese.
Dec 16th 1871: PUBLIC AUCTION – Ryde House, I.W. Sale of the Furniture Equipment, several valuable Oil Paintings, quantity of Books and China, Barouche (by “Loe,” Portsmouth), Plated Articles and other Effects. John Edmund SCOTT will sell by Public Auction, on the premises, on Tuesday, December 19th 1871, and following day at Twelve o’clock precisely,–The Furniture, Oil Paintings, China, Books and other effects of the residence. Catalogues obtained from the Auctioneer, 75 Union-street, Ryde.
Dec 16th 1871: THE CEMETERY – At the monthly meeting of the council, the Mayor presiding, it was resolved to re-open negotiations with the owners of the land estate for the purchase of a piece of land for the extension of the cemetery.
Dec 16th 1871: TURNING OFF THE GAS – In the early part of the year a series of vestry meetings were held at the Town-hall, they were mostly held in the evening, and as the authorities held that, though the Act of Parliament gave parishioners the right to meet in the Town-hall, it did not oblige the corporation to provide lights, they refused to allow them the use of the gas without payment, and the requisite sum was raised by subscription.
Dec 30th 1871: TOLL HOUSES – The general surveyors were requested to report on the state of the toll houses in their respective districts. The specifications for the new toll houses at High Park, near Ryde, were submitted and approved of. For building a wooden toll-house and bar, at High Park, near Ryde, the tender from Mr. J. DENHAM, of £32 was accepted.