Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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December 1908

Isle of Wight Observer

Dec 5th 1908: ADVERTISEMENT – Miss TURTLE has pleasure in announcing that her morning and evening classes for Ballroom and Fancy dancing are now being arranged. Private lessons by appointment. Schools visited. For terms apply “Riviera,” Pier-street, Ryde.

Dec 5th 1908: WELL-KNOWN FOOTBALL REFEREE – This week “Athletic World” contains a portrait of Mr. C. D. CRISP, he can boast 30 years association with Football. As a player he earned distinction, in his playing days he kept goal for Oxfordshire, the London Hotspurs and Ryde, Isle of Wight.

Dec 5th 1908: PETTY SESSIONS – George WHITTINGSTALL, butcher, Park-road, was summoned for having ridden a bicycle furiously in St. John’s-road on the 33rd ult. Defendant pleaded guilty.

Dec 12th 1908: CHRISTMAS DOLLS FOR LONDON CHILDREN – For some years past it has been the practice of Mrs. SOTHCOTT of Allsa Craig, Arthur-street, to collect dolls, which she dressed and forwarded to London for distribution there. This year Mrs. SOTHCOTT has received no fewer than 116 dolls which she herself has arranged in a variety of pleasing costume.

Dec 12th 1908: DECEMBER FOG – A dense fog enveloped the Solent on Monday evening with the usual result that communication with the mainland was suspended from 3 oclock in the afternoon until midnight. Numbers of people who wished to be in Ryde found themselves detained in Portsmouth and a similar large number at Ryde.

Dec 12th 1908: TERRITORAL FORCES – The Forces in Ryde are becoming popular once more and recruits are coming forward in satisfactory numbers. A favourite branch of the force appears to be the Howitzer Brigade and is now 70 strong. The old Motor Omnibus Garage in Rink-road is being used as a drill hall and riding school for the local detachment.

Dec 19th 1908: OLD AGE PENSION – Up to the end of November, 1,394 claims for old-age pensions have been received in the Isle of Wight. Of that number 773 had been granted, 40 had been disallowed, and 36 adjourned. 691 of the claims allowed were for full pension of 5s. a week.

Dec 19th 1908: UNEMPLOYMENT – It is a long time since there have been so many men out of employment, and the distress has been so acute that Ryde Town Council have taken steps to do what they can as a body to alleviate it. At the present time, something over 20 men are engaged in making and laying out new tennis courts on the Esplanade Gardens, the game having proved so popular in the gardens last year.

Dec 19th 1908: SCHOOL VISITING – The task of visiting each elementary school and saying something “nice” in each department, is no light one, but it has been successfully achieved by the Mayor, Mayoress and Alderman MEARS, during the past week.

Dec 26th 1908: FISHERIES COMMITTEE – The Southern Fisheries Committee have been considering the recent conviction of a fisherman of taking winkles with a net. Opinions were divided as to the damage caused to the beds by using a net, and the matter has been referred to the Isle of Wight Sub-Committee.

Dec 26th 1908: MAKING HISTORY – New Years Day 1909 will be memorable in history as inaugurating the payment of Old Age Pensions in this country. By the strict letter of the Act the first payment would be due January 8th.

Isle of Wight Times

Dec 3rd 1908: PRESENTATION – Last week at the IW Railway Loco Works, Mr. William WILLIS was presented with several useful presents from his fellow workmen, including a handsome time-piece and a set of fire-irons, on the occasion of his marriage. Mr. SWEETMAN made the presentation on behalf of the staff and in a few words expressed their good wishes. Flags were flying at the works in honour of the wedding.

Dec 3rd 1908: CYCLE ACCIDENT – An accident of a serious character occurred to Mr. W. PASKINS, the Assistant Superintendent of the Ryde branch of the Prudential Insurance Company. Mr. PASKINS was cycling to Ryde and when descending Quarr hill he collided with a grocer’s van and was thrown violently from his machine. He was conveyed to his home in Well-street in a semi-conscious condition and it was feared for some time that serious consequences might ensue, but by late enquiries we learn he is going on favourably.

Dec 10th 1908: RYDE TOWN COUNCIL – The Watch Committee reported that they had appointed William E. PAUL as 3rd class constable for the Borough of Ryde.

Dec 10th 1908: RYDE TOWN COUNCIL – The General Purposes Committee reported that they have granted a licence to Capt. C. H. DAWSON, to store 200 gallons of motor spirit in an approved building, at the Royal Pier Hotel mews.

Dec 10th 1908: RYDE BOROUGH BENCH – Edward BAKER, Bank Gardens, High-street, Ryde, was summoned for being in charge of a dog which had no collar on. The Magistrates inflicted a fine of 2s.6d. and costs 8s.6d.

Dec 31st 1908: HEAVIEST SNOW FOR 28 YEARS – It is seldom that the Island is entirely enveloped in snow, but on Tuesday the Isle of Wight was “white” from one end to the other. It was the heaviest since January 18th 1881.