December 1910
December 1910
Isle of Wight Observer
Dec 3rd 1910: POPULAR CONCERT – Miss Hazel GRAY, who will be vocalist at the Ryde Popular Concert on Monday afternoon, is the youngest sister of Madam Clara BUTT. Like her famous sister she has a contralto voice of great beauty. An excellent instrumental programme has been arranged.
Dec 3rd 1910: WOMEN’S TALK – Velvet has never been more popular than it is at the present moment. For day and evening, for indoor and outdoor costumes, this fabric is worn by every other woman one meets. The latest development is the revival of the smart tailor made costumes fashioned of coloured corduroy.
Dec 10th 1910: SCHOOLS PRIZE DAY – Prize presentation at Bettesworth Road Boys, took place on Tuesday, when there were present the Mayor and Mayoress (Mr. and Mrs. MAYBRICK) and about 80 parents. G. MORRIS was presented with half-a-sovereign, he had attended since April 1910 without being absent or late.
Dec 17th 1910: STORM – The heavy seas came over the Esplanade this (Friday) morning and a good deal of damage was done to turf and paths. The tide was so high and the sea so rough that the steamboats would not come to the Pier at high water for fear of their sponsons being forced on to the top of the piles.
Dec 17th 1910: HARRIERS – The Isle of Wight Harriers pack is to be given up and sold after having been established 30 years. This will cause a great deal of regret as Harriers have been kept continuously in the Island for over 100 years.
Dec 17th 1910: POLITICAL MEETING – Many ladies expressed their indignation at being excluded from the political meetings on Wednesday evening. One lady announced that such an injustice to women will not be perpetrated when women have the franchise.
Dec 24th 1910: NEW DRILL HALL – The work of reconstructing the Royal Field Artillery Drill Hall, at Ryde, is now practically finished and the building will be handed over by the contractor, Mr. WHITE of Freshwater. The old hall was constructed of corrugated iron and was not an ideal building in which to carry on Territorial work. Facilities comprise of, a lock-up gun park for howitzers and ammunition wagons, Brigade office and retiring room, Quartermaster’s store, recreation and lecture rooms and a miniature rifle range with a Solano target.
Dec 24th 1910: SKATING CARNIVAL – A grand fancy dress roller skating carnival for children under sixteen years of age is to be held at the Pier Pavilion on New Year’s Eve from 4 to 7 in the evening. Prizes will be given for best costumes, and the affair will conclude with a confetti battle on skates.
Dec 24th 1910: ORGAN RECITAL – Mr. Allen K. BLACKALL, F.R.C.O., an old Ryder, and son of Alderman BLACKALL, J.P., will give an organ recital at the Ryde Parish Church on Thursday afternoon next, when he will be assisted by Madame Olive WOODALL, contralto.
Dec 24th 1910: ADVERT – Having purchased a large quantity of Metallic Filament Lamps at a stocktaking sale, we are offering same at greatly below cost, 50 candle 3s.1d., 25 candle 3s.4d., for a short time only. ASHTON and HOLT, Cross-street, Ryde, Telephone 162.
Dec 24th 1910: POSTMASTER’S RETIREMENT – The Postmaster of Ryde Mr. Edward A. A. COOTE, retired on the 17th inst., after a long and varied service. His first appointment was in Manchester. In Ryde the office becoming vacant in 1902 he was successful candidate out of a large number of applicants for the position.
Dec 31st 1910: DANCE – The Mayor and Mayoress (Mr. and Mrs. MAYBRICK), gave a fancy dress dance on December 28th at the Town Hall, when about 175 children were present.