December 1913
December 1913
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Dec 6th 1913: ISLAND FANCIERS – At a sanction show held by the Portsmouth and District Canine Association, Mr. CROSSBEE-SMITH, of The Bays, Binstead, won third in novice bulldog and reserve in open bulldog classes under Mr. DODDS, with his typical dog Boss Johnson.
Dec 6th 1913: APPOINTMENT – Mr. Paul HIBBERD, the son of Mr. H. HIBBERD, has after returning from a voyage round the world, been transferred to the High Power Station Marconi Wireless Telegraphy, in order to qualify for one of the six Imperial stations to be erected. At this station at 11.30 at night news are transmitted to ocean liners and ocean newspapers.
Dec 6th 1913: BARNARDO’S – The annual sale of work in connection with the Dr. BARNARDO’s Homes, and in support of the two Ryde Cots, was held in the Town Hall on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. FETHERSTONHAUGH had much pleasure in declaring the bazaar open.
Dec 13th 1913: CHESS MATCH – On Wednesday evening Mr. Francis A. JOYCE, the Island chess champion, paid a visit to the Young Men’s Christian Association, where he played a simultaneous match with ten of the members of the Y.M.C.A. Chess Club. He lost two games and drew one.
Dec 13th 1913: SATURDAY CONCERTS – At the Wesleyan Schoolroom, Garfield-road on Saturday, Mr. Horace CHIVERTON had arranged an excellent programme. The band under the conductorship of W. T. HEWITT, with Miss LEE at the piano, rendered good selections.
Dec 13th 1913: FOOTBALL – Ryde People’s Own met their spirited antagonists, De LAUNAY’S Stores, at Partlands on Thursday, bringing off an easy win of 5 goals to 1.
Dec 13th 1913: ADVERT – Tango, as danced in Paris and London. In four lessons. Classes being formed at moderate prices. Tango Teas, with tuition (by arrangement). Lessons in the Brazilian Mixixe. Miss TURTLE, Royal Eagle Hotel. Tel. 416.
Dec 20th 1913: ACCIDENT – Our readers will be sorry to learn that Mr. J. W. LANGDON, the respected clerk and verger of St. Thomas’s Church, sustained a very unfortunate accident. He was in the church adjusting the blinds, mounting a ladder for the purpose, when the ladder slipped and he was thrown to the ground. He was badly bruised and dislocated his collarbone.
Dec 20th 1913: WONDERFUL SEASONS – The cold snap which set in on Thursday will give a timely check to the precocity of some of the plants in the Island. On Thursday Mrs. F. W. MORRANT picked a spray of bramble containing blossom and unripe blackberries.
Dec 20th 1913: POST OFFICE – The early purchase of postage stamps for the prepayment of Christmas correspondence will materially assist the Departments’ arrangements.
Dec 20th 1913: ENTERTAINMENT – An entertainment in aid of the piano fund, was given at the Trinity Hall, on Monday evening, when a large audience enjoyed an entertaining programme by “The Coons'” concert party, and a play in one act entitled ” ‘Op-‘O-Me-Thumb’.”
Dec 27th 1913: DULL CHRISTMAS – There have been a good many complaints amongst Ryde traders that the Christmas season this year has been one of the dullest known. There are probably two reasons for this. There is less money in the town and the increasing popularity of “shopping by post.” The first remedy is to attract a wealthier class of visitor to the town.