Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

December 1915

Isle of Wight Observer:-


Dec 4th 1915:  JUNGLE ADVENTURES – This will be the subject of the Y.M.C.A. lecture at the Town Hall on Tuesday evening next, when Mr. Harry K. EUSTACE, who has lived and hunted in Central Africa for many years, will relate his thrilling experiences, which will be illustrated by photographic slides.


Dec 4th 1915:  HAZELWOOD – The following gifts have been received at this institution:  Cheques, fruit, flowers, vegetables, shirts, shoes, scarves, magazines, beef-tea, and pen-holders. Motor drives were provided by Sir Hedworth WILLIAMSON and Mr. Craven HALL. Twenty patients were discharged during the week and eleven admitted. There are now 51 patients in the hospital.


Dec 11th 1915:  RYDE DISPENSARY – A shilling and sixpenny day in connection with this useful institution was held on Wednesday, when about £10 was realised in money and goods. The Hon. Constance ROLLO kindly made herself responsible for superintending the arrangements.


Dec 11th 1915:  FURNITURE STORE FIRE – Yesterday (Friday) morning at 8 o’clock a message was received at the Police Station that a fire had broken out in the basement of the shop occupied by Mr. George CASTLE, furniture dealer, 38 Union Street. The contents of the store, furniture, straw and paper was well alight. A length of hose was connected with a hydrant in Cross Street and by this means the fire was got under control.


Dec 18th 1915:  ALLIES CONCERT PARTY – The first entertainment given by this newly-formed concert party took place at the Castle Red Cross Hospital, on Thursday evening, when a thoroughly enjoyable programme was presented. Mrs. Watts orchestra, from Ventnor, lent valuable assistance.


Dec 18th 1915:  WESTWING COLLEGE  – A very effective drill display was given by the pupils of the above school on Wednesday afternoon, at Trinity Hall, after which the Rev. J. E. EDDIS, R.D., distributed the certificates won by the girls during the year. At their own request, the money usually spent on the prizes was sent to the Red Cross Society, so certificates were presented instead.


Dec 18th 1915:  WHIST DRIVE – On Wednesday evening a successful whist drive was held in the Town Hall, the object in view being to assist the equipment fund of the 39th V.A.D., who for the past fourteen months have rendered excellent service at the Hazelwood Red Cross Hospital, during which period some 1,000 patients have been received at the Institution.


Dec 18th 1915:  WANTED – Artificial Teeth (old) bought.—Up to 7s. per tooth pinned on vulcanite; 13s.  silver;  15s. gold;  £2 platinum. Cash or offer by return. If offer not accepted teeth returned promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed.—S. CANN & Co. Established 1850.


Dec 25th 1915:  SPECIAL CONSTABLE – Mr. Robert Frampton MILLER, of Laurel Cottage, West Street, has been sworn in as a special constable.


Dec 25th 1915:  PROMOTION – The London Gazette announces the promotion of Temp.-2nd Lieut G. M. de LAUNAY, Army Cyclist Corps, son of Mr. de LAUNAY, of Ryde, to be temporary lieutenant.


Dec 25th 1915:  MAYOR’S GIFT – With his usual thoughtfulness and kindness of heart, the Mayor (Mr. John I. BARTON) has distributed 300 sacks of coal among the poor and infirm of the town—a most seasonable and acceptable gift.


Dec 25th 1915:  ARMLETS – The khaki armlets, a broad khaki band adorned by a scarlet crown, are the insignia of the soldier in embryo. Every armlet signifies that the wearer has fulfilled his duty to his country in the gravest crisis in our country, and it will silently, but effectively shame young men who have failed to realise their obligations.