Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

December 1916

Isle of Wight Observer:-

Dec 2nd 1916:  RELIEF SOCIETY – The Committee of this Society, which was established in 1839 for the relief of the aged and infirm of all Denominations, propose if funds will permit to make a distribution of coal as usual, and hope that friends will kindly help.  Subscriptions will be gladly received by the hon. treasurer, Mr. J. E. BREBNER, 8 Vernon Square, or may be paid into the National Provincial Bank, Ryde.

Dec 2nd 1916:  FRACTURE – On Wednesday as a seven year old boy named Bertie SIVELL, of Victoria Crescent, High Park, was playing with his brother and some other boys near Gassiot School, he was knocked down by a companion and sustained a fracture of his thigh bone.  Members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade rendered first aid, and the lad was afterwards taken to the County Hospital.

Dec 2nd 1916:  ENTERTAINMENT – On Monday evening an entertainment was organised by the Misses NUTT in the Trinity Parish Hall, with the object of providing funds for obtaining coal for the Ashey Mission Room.  The newly formed Ryde Borough Orchestra made its first appearance and opened the programme.

Dec 2nd 1916:  BURGLARY AT BINSTEAD – On Sunday morning Mr ROBERTS, licensee of the Fleming Arms, Binstead, on arriving downstairs found that while he and his family were asleep, someone had broken into the house by forcing the kitchen window.  The intruder seems to have concentrated his attention on the bar, and from a pocket in a coat left hanging there he took a wallet containing four £1 Treasury notes.

Dec 2nd 1916:  MILITARY TRIBUNAL – William H. HAYLES, married, manager for Mrs DENNY, draper, High-street, produced a certificate showing that he had been rejected for military service.  He was given absolute exemption.

Dec 9th 1916:  RYDE MINSTREL SOCIETY – This Society gave a matinee performance at the Theatre Royal on Thursday, in aid of the St. Dunstan Home for the Blind, in the presence of a fairly large audience.  In the evening the Society gave an entertainment at the Pavilion, Seaview.

Dec 9th 1916:  ADVERT – To Deaf People, “French Orlene,” absolutely cures deafness and noises in the head, no matter how severe or longstanding the case may be.  Hundreds of persons who were supposed to be incurable have been permanently cured.  Try one box today, it only costs 2/9.

Dec 16th 1916:  TRINITY CLUB SMOKER – On Wednesday evening some 250 of the Worcesters responded to an invitation from the Committee of the above named Club to attend a smoking concert, excellently arranged by Messrs. H. CRUMP and T. MELLANBY.  The Vicar (the Rev J. E. EDDIS) presided, and during the evening cigarettes were distributed among the guests.

Dec 16th 1916:  GEM INN – The only business at the weekly sitting of the Borough Bench on Monday was the confirmation of the temporary transfer of the license of the Gem Inn, Hill Street, from W. E. G. BENNETT to Joseph Henry HOWE.

Dec 23rd 1916:  WELBY THRIFT CLUB – The increasing popularity of this Club was demonstrated this week when over £700 was shared out among the members.  The secretarial was ably carried out by Mr Tom GILMORE.

Dec 23rd 1916:  OUTBREAK OF FIRE – On Tuesday night about 10.40 an outbreak of fire was discovered at 76 Union-street, in the occupation of Mr C. H. GIBSON, and the promptitude with which it was dealt with undoubtedly prevented extensive damage being done.  The property which is insured belongs to Mr J. G. DUFFETT, of the Lion Brewery.

Dec 23rd 1916:  “SALAMBO” – This remarkable picture will be shown at the Cinema, High Street, throughout next week, and it is well worth a visit.  Patrons can book their seats at Messrs. TEAGUES.