Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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December 1917

Isle of Wight Observer:

Dec 1st 1917:  WINGED VISITORS – All the tropical visitors, such as nightingales, blackcaps, warblers, whitethroats and swallows, have departed from our Island for Africa, where they can rejoice under a bright and warm sky; and our arctic visitors are beginning to arrive.

Dec 1st 1917:  SIXTY YEARS AGO – We are pleased to see that the dramatic amateurs of Ryde, who have on many occasions broken the monotony of our winter evenings, are about to reorganise themselves, and produce a series of theatrical entertainments, to commence shortly after Xmas.

Dec 1st 1917:  PATRIOTISM – The Vicar of Holy Trinity struck the right chord in drawing attention to the lack of patriotism that prevails in so many quarters.  The rev. gentleman’s suggestion that self too takes the place of patriotism is only too true as applied to the civilian population of the present-day.

Dec 1st 1917:  FIRST MARRIAGE – Although St. James’ is the second oldest Church in the town the first marriage was not solemnised there until last Sunday. That is explained by the fact that the Church was not licensed for the purpose until quite recently.

Dec 8th 1917:  VOLUNTEERS – It may interest the present-day Volunteers to know that in the time of Napoleon when England feared invasion, that Ryde had its company of Volunteers. The following officers commanded the Ryde Company in January 1799—Captain John COOPER, Lieut. Thomas ATKEY, Ensign Richard WAVELL.  Ryde was again to the fore in 1860, when Volunteers were again required, and two companies were raised as Ryde Companies.  The following officers were commanding—Captain Sir John LEES, Bart., Lieut. Charles Cavendish CLIFFORD, Ensign Francis NEWMAN, Hon. Surgeon John F. OLLARD, Captain George RENDELL, Lieut. Ernest EDWARDS, Ensign James DASHWOOD.

Dec 8th 1917:  CRECHE – The creche which was started in Monkton Street on Empire Day is doing excellent work in looking after the present-day bairns.  The accommodation provided is not equal to the demand made of it and funds are urgently needed for an expansion of the work.

Dec 8th 1917:  BAD EXAMPLES – It does not injure the working class population if the rich consume the luxuries instead of necessaries, because as matters stand, the luxuries are out of the reach of the poor.

Dec 8th 1917:  ON DIT – That several old Ryders seem to think that Miss BLECHYNDEN is a little bit “at sea” with regard to her lecture on “Old Ryde.”  That the Old Manor House was not in High Street, but sandwiched between the R.V.Y.C. and Gloucester House in St. Thomas’ Street. That there was no courtyard to the old Swan Inn in the High Street, but it appears that there was one at the old Star Inn.

Dec 8th 1917:  MOTOR – An “amateur” motor was seen in West Street this week which was being towed by a bicycle.  The two boy passengers seated in it seemed to be thoroughly enjoying their joy ride.

Dec 15th 1917:  TEMPORARY – The Public Works Committee reported that plans No. 1075 had been submitted by the Castle Red Cross Hospital for permission to erect a temporary building which is to be removed at the termination of the war, and recommended that the plans being in accordance with the bye-laws be approved.

Dec 22nd 1917:  IN THE DARK – There was a great run on candles last week owing to the temporary break-down at the I.W. Electric Light and Power Station.  That unlike many things which are urgently needed now-a-days the supply was equal to the demand, so the profiteers hadn’t a look in on this occasion.

Dec 29th 1917:  THE YEAR’S END – Looking back on the year 1917, one is moved to a feeling of sympathy with the young people who will wrestle with history lessons in the next few decades.  Every year seems more crowded than the last.