December 1921
Isle of Wight Observer:
Dec 3rd 1921: CIVIC PARADE – The Mayor (Alderman A. ANDREWS J.P. C.C.,), following the example which he set last year, invited the Corporation to accompany him to the Congregational Church on Sunday morning to Divine Service, and with police, fire brigade, and military, occupied the greater part of the nave. The Corporation robed in the schoolroom and the others formed outside, a conspicuous feature being the medals worn on the breasts of the police, firemen, and Territorials.
Dec 3rd 1921: BOROUGH BENCH – Cornelius Henry GROVES, (21), Rose-cottages, Quarry-road, was charged on warrant for non-payment of £6.17s.6d. due to his wife Elsie M. GROVES, of Preston-place. Defendant said he was an unemployed Asylum attendant. He was asked whether he had tried anything else. Case adjourned for five weeks for defendant to find work as he must pay his wife, he must accept his responsibilities.
Dec 3rd 1921: ADVERT – Best prices given for Artificial Teeth, Old Gold and Silver: Watches and Clocks repaired.—J. POSNETT, 104 High-street, Ryde.
Dec 10th 1921: CHRISTMAS SHOPPING – The shopkeepers and business houses of Ryde are again making some very attractive displays for the Christmas season and it is our pleasing duty to refer to what our advertisers are doing, with the hope that their enterprise will receive its due reward as far as public patronage is concerned.
Dec 10th 1921: MASONIC FESTIVAL – The annual festival of the East Medina Chapter of Freemasons, No. 175 (Hants and I.W.), was held at the Masonic Hall, Ryde, Mr. F. SHOTTER M.E.Z., was in the chair.
Dec 10th 1921: CHRISTMAS WAITS – The D.S.O. Ryde Band will again keep up the time-honoured custom of serenading their patrons, as Xmas Waits, and will commence their tour of the district (weather permitting) this (Thursday) evening December 8th, when it is hoped their services will again be appreciated.
Dec 10th 1921: BELL RINGING – At the Parish Church on Tuesday evening, a touch of Grandsire Triples containing 2560 changes was rung in 59 minutes by the ringers. This is the longest touch by the ringer of the treble to whom credit is due for the manner in which he commanded his bell during the performance.
Dec 10th 1921: W. TEAGUE AND CO – An inspection of the windows and show rooms of Messrs Teague & Co’s Music Warehouse at 69 Union-street, is always repaid as every class of musician can find something to interest and fascinate them. The show of musical instruments, accordions, violins, mandolins, strings and the humble mouth organ is one of the best that can be found, whilst gramophones including the novel dancing couple attachment, will appeal to a very large number this season.
Dec 17th 1921: RIPE RASPBERRIES – A bunch of beautiful ripe raspberries were brought to our offices on Monday grown in the garden of Mr. A. PLUMBLEY, The Garden, Westridge Farm, and which he was justly proud of as denoting the mildness of the season and also as he remarked showing what could be done in the Isle of Wight.
Dec 17th 1921: RE-OPENING OF ORGAN – On Sunday last, the organ, at the Baptist Church, George-street, which has undergone thorough renovation and repair during the last few weeks, was re-opened when Mr. Gilbert SAVAGE, the organist, gave a good display of its capabilities in his well-selected voluntaries.
Dec 17th 1921: HOSTEL FOR AILING CHILDREN – A New Year’s festivity is to take place in aid of the Hostel in Park Road, on January 6th, being the second annual Ball in connection with that deserving institution. The Mayor (Alderman A. ANDREWS, JP. CC.) has kindly placed the Small and Large Town Hall at the disposal of the committee. In the early part of the evening a Children’s Fancy Dress dance will be held, to be followed by a Masked Ball from 9.15pm to 3am.
Dec 17th 1921: NEW CINEMA – A letter was read at the Ryde Town Council meeting, inviting the Mayor and Council and town officials to the opening of the Scala Cinema on December 22nd which was accepted.