December 1923
Isle of Wight County Press:
Dec 1st 1923: GOLDEN WEDDING – Mr. and Mrs. JENKINS celebrated their golden wedding yesterday (Friday). They were married at Ipswich in 1873. Mr. JENKINS has served 42 years with the Missions to Seamen, and for 11 years has been in charge of the Solent-station, the Head-quarters of which are at Ryde.
Dec 1st 1923: ADVERTISEMENT – Don’t Make Mince Pies until you have purchased a bag of Frenlite Self-Raising Flour. Mince pies made with Frenlite are simply delicious and so easily digested. If any difficulty in obtaining, we will send name and address of nearest dealer. J. W. FRENCH & Co., Ltd., Bow, London, E. 3. Millers of the World-famed Elite Flour. Wholesale at BRIGHTON, ROGERS, & Co., Ltd., Wholesale Grocers & Confectioners, Ryde, I.W.
Dec 8th 1923: LORD TENNYSON’S RESIGNATION – The chairman read a letter from Lord TENNYSON stating that during the autumn he had been seriously unwell, and to his great regret he felt that he should resign his Aldermanship. He was reluctant to do so, as he had always taken a real interest in the Council’s business and debates. The Chairman said he was sure all would very much regret that Lord Tennyson’s health did not allow him to continue as a member of the Council.
Dec 8th 1923: PUBLIC HEALTH INTERESTS – From September 1 to October 31st 14 cases of tuberculosis had been admitted to the sanatoria, and grants of extra nourishment in connection with domiciliary treatment made or renewed in five cases. There were 29 persons receiving sanatorium treatment. With kind assistance of the County Nursing Association the whole of the Island was covered by district nurses, who were required to get in touch with cases of tuberculosis; take stock of the conditions under which they were living, give advice, and give their medical officer the information he needed. There had been a reduction in the three years, till 1920, of 25 per cent in the tuberculosis death rate in the country, and that rate of reduction was increasing.
Dec 8th 1923: SPORTS AND PASTIMES – First class Hunters for Hire by day or month or season. Terms moderate. Riding Lessons given, special care taken with children. Horses bought and sold. Tel. 92 – Apply W. PEARCE, Park Mews, Simeon street, Ryde.
Dec 8th 1923: GOOD FORTUNE – Miss H. BLAKE, of Monkton-street, has won the third share of the second prize (£50), in a “Coca Nibs” competition, promoted by the properties of one of the leading cocoa firms.
Dec 15th 1923: THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE – reported that they had received letters complaining of the inefficiency of the street lighting in various parts of the borough, and suggesting the advisability of again lighting certain of the lamps not at present in use. Mr INKER said that a more disgracefully lighted town, so far as certain streets went, he had never met. He was disappointed that the new lights on the Esplanade were all to be on the south side.
Dec 15th 1923: ADVERTISEMENT – Christmas is nearing and all the good things that help to make this festive season so enjoyable have arrived. Pay a visit to the ‘International’ and inspect the wonderful assortment of dainties for the Christmas table or ask for our special price list and note particularly the very moderate prices. Oranges, Currants, Sultans, Peel (finest mixed, orange Lemon and Citron), Figs, Dates (Fine Tunis), Xmas puddings, Xmas cakes iced, Dundee Cakes, Chocolates, Preserved ginger, Metz Fruits, Wines (Non-Alcoholic) Apples, Nuts.
Dec 29th 1923: BOXING DAY WEDDING – Mr Phillip Summers ROBINSON, son of Mr. A. W. ROBINSON, of 11 Castle-street was married to Miss Emily HOLLIS, of Binstead, at Holy Trinity Church, Ryde, on Boxing-day. The bride was given away by her father (Mr. Arthur HOLLIS).