Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

February 1866

Isle of Wight Observer:-

Feb 3rd 1866:  NEW WING OF THE INFIRMARY – We are gratified to hear that this splendid addition to the Infirmary was opened on Wednesday last, thereby enabling the governors to extend the usefulness of this noble charity. The institution formerly made up by 20 beds; but by the new wing being opened, there is room for 16 more, some of which have been already placed and occupied.

Feb 3rd 1866:  ACCIDENT – We sincerely regret to record an accident to one of the most useful and highly-respected of the professional men of the town. It appears that Dr. BEATON had occasion to go to Haven Street on Monday last, and was thrown from his carriage, thereby fracturing his right arm. He is, we are happy to hear, progressing favorably.

Feb 10th 1866:  SOUP KITCHEN – We are happy to hear that during the four weeks ending Saturday last no  less than 1,337 persons have been relieved at the above kitchen. It would be well if the subscribers would pay a visit and taste the soup supplied to the recipients.

Feb 10th 1866:  CHORAL SOCIETY – The first meeting of this society took place on Monday evening, at the Town-hall, with the most encouraging results, about 50 names having enrolled as members, comprising the musical talent of the various choirs, and others. The great want of the town—a united musical society—seems at length likely to be supplied.

Feb 10th 1866:  OPENING DINNER – On Tuesday evening last a very agreeable party, numbering about 30 persons, assembled at Yelf’s hotel tap, to celebrate Mr. JOBLING’s taking possession of the establishment, and to wish him every success in his new undertaking.

Feb 17th 1866:  FASHIONABLE INTELLEGENCE – The Countess METAXA and Mrs. HANCOCK have returned to No. 1 The Terrace, from Scotland;  Mr. Warren Hastings ANDERSON returned to his residence, Beldornie Tower, on Thursday.

Feb 17th 1866:  ODD FELLOWS DINNER – During his after dinner speech, P.P.G.M. William BEAZLEY stated that this was a vast society and a very ancient Order, as we find it was first established by the Roman soldiers in camp, after the Order of the Israelites, during the reign of the tyrant Nero, in the year of grace 55, at which time they were called Fellow Citizens. The name of Odd Fellow was given to this Order of men in the year 79 by Titus Caesar.

Feb 17th 1866:  CHEMISTRY OF NATURE – We have received two copies of an American paper—evidently a first-class one, the Chicago Tribune—in which Mr. HARRINGTON’s lectures are noticed with a column of matter in each paper; a third promised. The articles commence as follows—We have read with much interest two lectures upon ‘The Chemistry of Nature,’ lately delivered by G. F. HARRINGTON, esq., before the Philosophical Society of the Isle of Wight.

Feb 17th 1866:  GALE – A terrific gale, such as the oldest inhabitants of the Island never remember, was experienced on Sunday last. In the morning the wind blew from the S.E., which is the most disastrous for the east end of the Isle of Wight. The sea was awful, but grand, seemingly lifted from its bed, and the spray, like mighty clouds, tossed violently into every conceivable shape.

Feb 24th 1866:  CONCERT – We have much pleasure in directing attention to an announcement of a morning and evening concert at the Victoria-rooms on the 8th of March, under the distinguished patronage of all the leading families in the town and neighbourhood. Miss BANKS, whose reputation as a vocalist is so well-known, will appear, accompanied by Miss Hannah JONES.

Feb 24th 1866:  RYDE COUNTY COURT – Before Judge GALE at the Town Hall on Thursday last, was a jury case, a dispute between father and son—Philip DUFFETT v. James DUFFETT which was an action amounting to £50.