February 1868
Isle of Wight Observer:
Feb 1st 1868: SOUP KITCHEN – It is written in more than mortal language that the poor shall never cease from the earth. Labor is scarce and provisions dear, so that the branch of relief distributed from the soup kitchen in Ryde is a great boon to the poor during the winter months. The applicants, it seems, are exceedingly numerous at the present time.
Feb 1st 1868: FENIANISM IN RYDE – Sir, under this heading last week, you startled the inhabitants of Ryde by the announcement of Fenianism in this hitherto quiet district. Fearing that such reports, when circulated through your valued paper, might injure my fellow-countrymen, who are honorably and peacefully earning their living by the side of their English fellow-workmen, I beg to state that I am no Fenian. I remain, Sir, your obedient servant, P. J. O’KEARNEY, Claremont Villa, Ryde.
Feb 1st 1868: NEW CLOCK – The work has been completed. It is certainly in appearance, especially at a distance, a very pretty object; in fact, both by land and water, it can be seen for miles around. With reference to the chimes, they are exceedingly sweet in tone, and will, when they have had more work, exhibit greater power. We adhere to our original opinion that the face is not so effective as it ought to be.
Feb 8th 1868: THE CLOCK – This clock has four illuminated dials of opal glass with raised red and gold glass figures, each dial 6ft. in diameter. The bells, upon which the clock strikes the hours and chimes the quarters, are of hemispherical form (differing in that respect from the ordinary shape of bells) for the purpose of obtaining a deep and sonorous tone. We believe on reliable authority, that the Ryde Gas-Light Company have signified their intention to illuminate the new clock free of expense to the public.
Feb 8th 1868: OLD BANK COTTAGE – This building, in the High-street, at which members of the Working Men’s Association met for so many years, and on the site of which it was originally intended to erect the new church, has been disposed of to an enterprising capitalist from the United States, and has been opened by him as the “Atlantic Tavern.” The bar has been fitted up in real Yankee style, and several American “notions” introduced into the establishment. (see more)
Feb 15th 1868: NARROW ESCAPE – Considerable alarm and excitement prevailed throughout the town when it became known that St. Thomas’s Church had had a narrow escape from fire; indeed, it appears that a lady who had attended the afternoon service had left her books in the church, made application to the verger and the keys were produced, and on his entering he found the edifice full of smoke. An alarm was immediately given, when Mr. LANGDON and others were soon in attendance.
Feb 22nd 1868: ADVERT – To Builders. Tenders are required for the erection of the Parish Church, Ryde, Isle of Wight.—Plans and Specifications can be seen at the Town-hall, Ryde, or at my office, 15 Northgate, Darlington, from Feb, 10 to 22 inclusive. Bills of Quantities, and any information, can be obtained upon application to me at Darlington, to which address Tenders must be forwarded not later than the 22nd inst. W. PEACHEY, A.R.I.B.A., Architect.
Feb 22nd 1868: TEMPERANCE – We notice by the Parliamentary reports that on Monday evening last our county member, Sir John Simeon, bart., presented petitions from various places in the Isle of Wight in favor of the Bill for prohibiting the sale of intoxicating drink on the Sabbath day.
Feb 29th 1868: FORTUNATE RESCUE – Great praise is due to P.C. MCLAUGHLIN, who on Friday night last was the means of rescuing a fellow-creature from a watery grave. It appears that he and Sargent COLE were on duty on the Esplanade when they heard screeching, the night being dark. He ran to the Ferry Company’s basin, and turning on his light saw Coastguardsman HAILES struggling in the water, when laying himself over the gate he seized the man by the hair of the head. The man has now fully got over the fright which the accident occasioned.