Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

February 1869

Isle of Wight Observer:

Feb 6th 1869:  PIANOFORTE RECITAL – The pupils of the highly-talented pianiste, Franklein LUZINGER, gave a great musical treat to their parents and friends on Monday last (with kind permission of the Countess RANFURLY) at her residence, 1 Sidney Terrace.  Mrs. CONDUIT and the ladies under her instruction kindly gave their assistance.  The manner in which the programme was performed must have convinced those that heard it of the carefulness with which they had been instructed.

Feb 6th 1869:  EAST MEDINA LODGE OF ODD FELLOWS – We see that the 24th annual dinner of this lodge will take place on Thursday evening next, at the lodge room, Star hotel, when the chair will be taken by T. DASHWOOD, esq., mayor of the borough, supported by several members of the Town Council.

Feb 6th 1869:  PHILOSOPHICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY – The sixth lecture of this session was delivered on Monday last at the Museum of the Institution, in Melville-street, by Mr. Jabez HUGHES.  The subject was, “The Sun—its physical constitution, with a consideration of recent important discoveries as to its nature.”  The hall was filled with a large and attentive audience.

Feb 6th 1869:  VALUABLE PRESENTATION – Our public-spirited townsman, Vivian A. WEBBER, esq., after the last Victoria Yacht Club regatta, gave an order to Mr. A. FOWLES for a painting in connection therewith.  The scene, the world-renowned Cambrian winning the cup presented by the inhabitants of Ryde. Mr. WEBBER presented the valuable gift of the painting to the borough of Ryde.

Feb 13th 1869:  BLONDIN IN RYDE – We see the arrangements have been made for the appearance of the Hero of Niagra at the Victoria-rooms on Saturday, the 22nd inst., and during the following week.  We imagine that our neighbours along the line of the Isle of Wight Railway will avail themselves of the opportunity which will thus be afforded.

Feb 13th 1869:  MISSIONARY MEETING – We have long heard of bachelors’ balls, bachelors’ cricket clubs, etc., but the Wesleyans of this town have established an annual public meeting in connection with their Juvenile Home and Foreign Missionary Association, in which none but young bachelors are allowed to take part.

Feb 20th 1869:  S. VALENTINE’S DAY – Valentine, according to BOURNE, was a Roman bishop or presbyter of the church, and was beheaded, under Valerianns, in the year 278.  It is said that on this day (February 14) the birds choose their mates, and that from thence came the custom of young people choosing valentines, or special loving friends, on that day.  The custom of sending these love tokens called valentines is one of great antiquity.

Feb 20th 1869:  THE LATE GALES – A strong N.W. wind blowing with increased violence and raising a very heavy sea, a schooner, the W. S. Flowers, of Goole whose anchor was failing to hold her against the fury of the gale, was grounded on the Ryde sandhead. With difficulty the Coastguard boat was launched, but she was soon up to her thwarts in water and one oar washed away and another broken. The names of the five gallant fellows of the Coastguard who volunteered to risk their lives in the endeavour to save those others were: Thomas KENNEDY (chief boatman, coxswain), William JENNINGS, William NORSWORTHY, James BENDALL and William BRIDGER.  Only five men could go with any degree of safety in the boat as they have but five cork lifebelts.

Feb 27th 1869:  TEMPORARY IRON CHURCH – This church was opened for Divine worship on the morning of Wednesday last (St. Matthias’ Day).  We venture to express our hope that the funds being raised for building a Parish Church in Ryde, and for defraying the cost of erecting the present temporary structure may not be overlooked.  The Church, which is 83ft. in length and 36ft. in width, with height to ridge of 30ft. and to sides of 12ft., is provided with 500 sittings.