February 1871
Isle of Wight Times:
Feb 2nd 1871: QUEENSLAND – There appears to be a very large demand in this colony for the various classes of female domestic servants and some other classes of labour. The Brisbane Charter of November 1870 says; Married couples, without incumbrance have been engaged during the month at from £55 to £70, with board. The supply of female servants during the month has been insufficient to fill the numerous orders.
Feb 2nd 1871: TEN FRENCH REFUGE VESSELS – We have frequently called attention of our readers to the presence of the dejected-looking French persons whom we see hovering about the Esplanade and the lower part of the town, remaining here in charge of a number of French merchant ships that have cast anchor at the Motherbank in order to take refuge from the storm of war that has been raging the other side of the Channel.
Feb 2nd 1871: MAD BULL – We are informed that a bull committed several wild freaks on Tuesday last, and created no small amount of excitement and fear in the eastern part of Ryde. He appears to have been taken from the railway station toward the beach for shipment to the mainland, when he suddenly became stupid, wheeled round upon his keepers, and started off on a gallop along the road. On his way, he violently knocked down Mrs. WILLIAMS, who was terribly frightened and rather seriously injured.
Feb 2nd 1871: LOST AND FOUND OFFICE – This office has again been brought into valuable requisition during the past week. A handsome costly gold watch, a thick gold chain, and several valuable trinkets having been lost, communication was speedily made and the usual efforts were immediately made for their restoration. The desirable object was accomplished, and the finder—a honest poor man—was handsomely rewarded.
Feb 9th 1871: A LIVELY SCENE – Witnessed on the Beach on Tuesday, a horse-boat loaded with fine fat bullocks, when trying to turn, the “gentlemen” became unruly, and fell overboard off seaward. The boat was immediately put to and after an exciting chase, one was hauled back onboard, the other two were lashed to the stern and with great difficulty brought to land. The spectators appeared to enjoy a capital spree.
Feb 9th 1871: ADVERT – Star Commercial Hotel, High Street, Ryde. Wines and spirits of first-rate quality. Well-aired beds. Close and open flys, pony chaise, dog carts, wagonette for pic-nic parties, &c. Horses taken in to bait and livery. A four-horse coach runs daily to Carisbrooke Castle, starting at half-past eleven o’clock in the morning.
Feb 16th 1871: DENTAL NOTICE – Mr. HARRINGTON requests us to state that he had concluded an arrangement to exchange professional residences with the Ryde Branch of the National Provincial Bank of England, and that, until he removes his practice to the premises now occupied by the Bank, 4 Union-street, he will continue to receive his patients at Sedgley House.
Feb 16th 1871: PEAL OF BELLS IN RYDE – this is a desideratum that is generally desired throughout the town, and now the new parish church is in the course of erection, we hope such an important feature will not be forgotten. Already a requisition to the Mayor is being signed by the principal inhabitants of the borough, calling on him to convene a public meeting for taking into consideration the erection of a spire and set of bells.
Feb 16th 1871: ACCIDENT ON THE IW RAILWAY – Travellers on the Isle of Wight Railway have had their equilibrium disturbed by the false alarm of a tremendous accident during the week. All about Ryde the news spread with alarming rapidity on Tuesday that a serious accident had occurred to a passenger train on its way to Ventnor, and a number of passengers dreadfully injured. From enquiries however, the trains pipes had got out of order and a relief engine from Ryde struck the last carriage—the guards van—in consequence the passengers were rather violently shook and violently alarmed. None were seriously injured.