February 1872
Hampshire Advertiser: – Agents the Misses GIBBS, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde
Feb 3rd 1872: WORKING MEN’S CONSERVATIVE ASSN – The annual dinner of this association took place at the Town-hall on Wednesday evening, on which occasion the Hon. Somerset CALTHORPE occupied the chair. A capital supply was served up by Mrs. BRADING, to which 160 members sat down. The usual loyal toasts were given and responded to.
Feb 10th 1872: RYDE BOROUGH COUNCIL – A meeting was held on Thursday evening, to receive a report from the Sanitary Committee recommending that a tender be accepted for the erection of a hospital for the reception of infectious cases within the borough. Mr. PETERS had offered five acres of land for that purpose, and plans of the building were laid on the table. The estimated cost of its erection being £275.
Feb 17th 1872: INFECTED NEWSPAPER – John C. HARTNELL was on Tuesday fined by the magistrates 2s. 6d. and costs for selling a local newspaper, the Ventilator, which had been exposed to infection from a person in his house suffering from smallpox, without having previously disinfected it.
Feb 17th 1872: REDUCTION OF THE HOURS OF LABOUR – A public meeting was held at the Townhall on Thursday evening, which was numerously attended, for the purpose of respectfully requesting the employers of labour to allow their men to cease work at 4 o’clock on Saturday afternoon. The resolutions in accordance with the object of the meeting were unanimously adopted.
Feb 21st 1872: LIGHTING THE PIER – The ornamental lamps for lighting the Pier have arrived, and the work of fixing them will at once be proceeded with, and that within a month from this date this fashionable promenade will be lighted with gas from one end to the other.
Feb 21st 1872: THANKSGIVING DAY – It is understood that a movement is on foot with a view of requesting his Worship the Mayor to call on the inhabitants of Ryde to close their business establishments on Tuesday, the 27th instant, on the occasion of the national thanksgiving for the recovery of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.
Feb 21st 1872: FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – Mr. and Mrs. Pakenham MAHON entertained a distinguished circle of friends at dinner on Thursday evening; Mr. and Mrs. R. C. WELLESLEY, of Wykeham Lodge, had a fashionable dinner on Saturday evening; Mrs. JEFFERYS has returned to Seafield House, Pelham Field; Sir John and Lady BURGOYNE have returned to their residence, after several weeks absence in Bedfordshire.
Feb 24th 1872: ROYALTY – Her Majesty the Queen, accompanied by the Princess of Wales and Prince Leopold, drove through Ryde on Tuesday afternoon. Major-General the Hon Arthur HARDINGE was in attendance on horseback. It is gratifying to notice that our townsman, Mr. FAIREY, has again been honoured with Her Majesty’s order for several articles in Isle of Wight lace.
Feb 24th 1872: ELEMENTARY EDUCATION ACT – The Inspector had reported, and in fact they all knew, that for Haylands and Ashey there was no accommodation at all. The Inspector strongly recommended their joining with the Ryde School Board, and the board was desirous of ascertaining their wishes on this important subject. There were about 250 children to be provided for at Haylands, and about fifty at Ashey. They could unite with Ryde and send their own representative to the board.
Feb 24th 1872: FORESTERS’ SOIREE – The annual soiree in connection with the Foresters came off at the Town-hall on Tuesday evening, about 150 members and friends being present. Mr. SMALLEY’s band was in attendance, and dancing was kept up until an early hour in the morning.
Feb 24th 1872: I.W. PHILOSPHICAL & SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY – On Monday evening Mr. B. BARROW delivered an interesting lecture at the museum of the above institution on “The Public Health.” The President of the institution, Mr. Vivian A. WEBBER, occupied the chair. There was a large attendance, the building being crowded on the occasion.
Feb 24th 1872: RYDE COUNTY COURT – A sitting of this court was held on Wednesday, Judge GALE presiding. There were about 200 original plaints entered for adjudication, and twenty-seven after judgment summonses.