Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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February 1873

Hampshire advertiser: Agents – The Misses Gibbs, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde

Feb 5th 1873:  ILLNESS OF SIR A. CLIFFORD – Sir Augustus CLIFFORD being confined to his house at Ryde by an attack of bronchitis, will not be in his place at the opening of Parliament.

Feb 5th 1873: LOCAL LIQUIDATION CASE – Re Thomas HILLS, grocer and provision dealer, of St. John’s-road, Ryde, in the Isle of Wight.  Creditors to meet at the Bedford Hotel, Landport.  Solicitor for the debtor, Mr. H. URRY, of Ryde and Ventnor, I.W.

Feb 12th 1873:  PARLIAMENTARY PETITIONS – These were presented in the House of Commons, on Monday, by Mr. Baillie COCHRANE, from Ryde, in favour of Women’s Suffrage.

Feb 12th 1873:  RYDE NATIONAL SCHOOLS – Since the establishment of these schools in 1812 many who now rank as tradesmen and others who hold high situations in life can point to them with pleasure as being the means of placing them in a comfortable, if not wealthy, position.  Some of these are in the present list of subscribers.

Feb 12th 1873:  DRUNK AND RIOTOUS – James FISHER was charged with being drunk and asleep at the Malt and Hops, on Friday, the 7th.  The case was proved by Sergeant HOLLOWAY. Defendant was fined 2s.6d. and costs, or seven days’ hard labour.

Feb 15th 1873:  EAST MEDINA LODGE OF ODDFELLOWS – The annual dinner took place at the Townhall on Wednesday, when the Mayor (Mr. T. LEACH) presided, and Br. T. A. RAYNES, Provincial Grand Master occupied the vice-chair.  About 130 brethren and friends were present.  An excellent dinner, under the management of the committee, was provided.

Feb 15th 1873:  GRAND BALL – The magnificent residence, The Wood, St. John’s Park, the property of one of our most honoured, useful, and liberal residents, was on Thursday evening the scene of gaiety and festivity, Mr. C. BRETT, J.P., having invited a number of the nobility and gentry to a grand ball and supper. COOTE and TINNEY’s quadrille band was engaged, under the direction of Mr. A. AYLWARD, of Union-street.  The whole affair was carried out in a style of princely magnificence.

Feb 22nd 1873:  RYDE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION – The usual weekly meeting was held at the Anglesea Tavern on Wednesday evening, when Mr. T. BURDEN occupied the chair, and Mr. GILBERT the vice-chair.  Several new members were elected.  An interesting discussion followed.

Feb 22nd 1873:  ROYAL I.W. INFIRMARY – For the week ending Wednesday.—Patients admitted, 3;  discharged, 4;  died, 2;  remaining in the house, 22;  out-patients on the books, 87—of whom 22 were visited at their own homes.  Medical officer in attendance for the week, Mr. B. BARROW.  House surgeon, Mr. A. Law WADE, M.B.

Feb 26th 1873:  TOWN THREATENED – A meeting of the Council was held on Monday afternoon, for the purpose of considering a letter from Messrs. FRESHFIELD, solicitors, stating that, the judge had given his opinion that the £4671.10s. due to the executors of the late Mr. GLYNN should be paid in fourteen days, or that the matter should be placed in the court of Chancery.

Feb 26th 1873:  RYDE DISPENSARY – A meeting of the subscribers to this institution was held at WAVELL’s Hotel on Monday, when a gratifying report, which is to be published, was read.

Feb 26th 1873:  THE WEATHER – We have just experienced the heaviest snow storm known in Ryde and its neighbourhood.