February 1874
Isle of Wight Observer:
Feb 21st 1874: NEW MAGISTRATES – We understand that the following gentlemen have been appointed magistrates of the borough: Major-General JEFFREYS, William DASHWOOD, esq., and F. CARTER, esq.
Feb 21st 1874: THE WATER WORKS – The committee of Ryde Borough Council, recommended that a new high-pressure piston and a few other things required at the Water-works be purchased, at an estimated cost of £25.
Feb 28th 1874: RYDE CHORAL ASSOCIATION – In the face of a miserable downfall of rain, a good number of music lovers presented themselves at the Town-hall on Thursday evening to listen to the second of a series of concerts by the Ryde Choral Association. Mr. H. JENKINS, conducted, Mr. W. JENKINS presided at the harmonium, and the pianoforte accompaniments were by Mr. J. BEAZLEY. Every part of the programme was executed in a very creditable manner.
Feb 28th 1874: LABOURER’S UNION – Mr. Joseph ARCH, the well-known agitator in favour of the National Agricultural Labourers’ Union, addressed a public meeting in the Victoria-rooms, Ryde, a great number attending. In the course of his speech, Mr. ARCH referred to the Queen’s labourers, remarking that he could hardly believe that Her Majesty knew of the condition of her labourers at Osborne—that one of them, an industrious man and a wife and three children were obliged to sit down to three meals a day, and not one of those meals to cost the whole five more than 4¾d. (shame).
Feb 28th 1874: IW ARTILLERY MILITIA – The recruits of this regiment will be called out on Monday, April 6th, for 28 days’ preliminary drill, and the regiment will assemble for general training on Monday. The officers remain the same as last year. There have been rumours of an intended removal of the regiment into some of the Island forts.
Feb 28th 1874: ACCCIDENT – We are sorry to learn that our townsman, Mr. Shem COMDEN, baker, of St. Thomas’-square, met with a sad accident on Wednesday evening last. Mr. COMDEN had conducted a service of sacred song at the George-street school room, after which he unfortunately fell and dislocated his shoulder. We are pleased to learn he is going on as favourably as can be expected.
Feb 28th 1874: PAIRING AND PREPARING – We are informed that in one of the fine oak trees at St. John’s House, the residence of J. P. GASSIOT, esq., there is a nest of young starlings, which are so far advanced as to be able to take wing from bough to bough.
Feb 29th 1874: PHOTOGRAPHY – Mr. DEBENHAM, photographer, of Union-street, being specially desired, re-delivered his lecture on this subject in the George-street school room on Wednesday evening.
Feb 28th 1874: TEMPERANCE – On Wednesday evening Mr. R. COAD, of Cornwall, delivered a lecture on the temperance question, in the hall of the local society, High-street. There was a good attendance, and the remarks of the lecturer were listened to with marked attention and frequently applauded.
Feb 28th 1874: SOIREE – We understand our old friend TOLLERVEY will hold a select soiree at the Victoria-rooms, on the evening of the 9th of March, in honour of the return to this country of their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Edinburg. The proceeds to be devoted to the band fund.