February 1910
Isle of Wight Observer
Feb 5th 1910: LIFEBOAT – The Ryde lifeboat “Selina” was launched on Monday morning. The boat was examined by a committee of the Dublin Lifeboat Station, who have in view the construction of a craft similar to the Ryde lifeboat.
Feb 5th 1910: TREE FELLING – Many people will regret to observe that a large number of trees are being felled at the upper end of “lovers walk”. In all parts of the Island the work of cutting down trees goes steadily on, and some districts are becoming quite denuded of timber.
Feb 5th 1910: LIFE AND WORK IN KOREA – Miss Lucy BROAD, the well-known traveller, lectured on the above subject at the Small Town Hall on Tuesday evening. The lecturer appeared in native costume, and attractively illustrated her remarks by presenting artistic views displaying curios and chanting Korean music.
Feb 12th 1910: PONDEROUS – Some discussion was created on Wednesday by the presence of a steam craft of nondescript appearance near the outlet of the eastern sewer. It was thought by some that she was employed in connection with the laying of mines in the vicinity.
Feb 12th 1910: PIER PAVILION – The Pier Pavilion will probably be used for roller skating right through the summer instead of being let for entertainments. That will no doubt cause the numerous devotees of this modern form of amusement exquisite delight. Nothing appears to even approach roller skating as an amusement in the estimation of those who have been once bitten by the mania.
Feb 12th 1910: BAND OF MERCY – The Westwing College (Ryde) Band of Mercy attended the monthly meeting of the Ryde Band and gave a capital entertainment, on Friday last. During the interval the Secretary of the Band, Miss Mildred WILKINS, gave an address, when she appealed for more humane treatment of that often despised and ill-used animal, the ass. God Save the King brought a most enjoyable evening to a close. There were 170 persons present.
Feb 12th 1910: LOW CUT CORSAGE – For only the stately assemblies will the low-cut corsage be demanded this season; indeed, women with a reputation for dressing well are already having their evening gowns cut quite moderately high. No woman who knows how to dress would appear at a restaurant dinner in a low-cut gown. Generally the “filling” for such wear is of some transparent material.
Feb 12th 1910: DIRTY FOOTPATHS – Councillor RUSSELL asked the Chairman of the Public Works Committee if his attention had been drawn to the state of the footpath in St. John’s-road near the schools. It was also impassable at this period of the year, and children got in an awful mess on their way to school.
Feb 19th 1910: FOOTBALL – A game having an important influence on the destination of the Ryde and District championship was brought off between Ryde and Bembridge at Partlands on Thursday. The ground was in a shocking state, the centre of the lower half being practically under water, and although Ryde pressed heavily, the scoring was on this account strictly limited.
Feb 19th 1910: ABOUT SKIPPING – The skipping craze goes merrily on and provided it is not carried to excess, little can be said against such excercise. The girl or woman “under treatment” takes her glass of hot water, skips for ten minutes, then plunges into her bath, a rest, breakfast, and the toilet following. For the woman past her youth and pulling on flesh too rapidly, the skipping craze is said to work wonders.
Feb 26th 1910: NEW LICENSEE – Mr. J. Orde HOME who has recently taken over the Partlands Hotel, is a prominent figure in the musical world. He is perhaps more widely known as a composer of military marches and test pieces.
Feb 26th 1910: ROYAL IW COUNTY HOSPITAL – The Committee gratefully acknowledge receipt of: A Rocking Chair from Mr. BREWIS, Books and Papers from Hazelwood, Mrs. STEWART, Captain COULCHER, Dr. MACKENZIE, Isle of Wight Ladies Club, and 1 Ratcliffe Avenue.
Feb 26th 1910: BOY SCOUTS – At a meeting at the Oddfellows Hall on Tuesday, it was decided to inaugurate a troop of Boy Scouts in connection with the All Saints’ Boys Club. General FETHERSTONHAUGH, C.B., was in the chair and was elected President of the troop. The following appointments were made, Scoutmaster, Mr. RIDDETT, Assistant Scoutmaster and Adjutant, Mr. LAWSON.
Feb 26th 1910: AVIATION – During Bournemouth Aviation Week there will be competative flights from Christchurch to the Isle of Wight. The Island ought to be an admirable place for Aviation, which might be borne in mind by the Island Advertising Association.