February 1912
Isle of Wight Observer
Feb 3rd 1912: CORONATION MEDAL – Trooper W. PLUMBLEY of the Isle of Wight Troop of Yeomanry, has received a Coronation medal, in consequence of his being the senior trooper in the regiment.
Feb 3rd 1912: MADAME ANNIE RYALL – The well-known singer has been assisting by her charming voice the mission services held last week at George-street Baptist Church. Upon being told that a poor old woman in the town who was very ill, had, expressed sorrow at not being able to hear her sing, went on Monday afternoon last, and, sitting by the bedside, sang several beautiful hymns to her, giving the old lady much pleasure.
Feb 3rd 1912: RED CROSS SOCIETY – In connection with the Ryde detachment, a course of first aid lectures will be given by Dr. CHURCHILL at the Town Hall, commencing on Tuesday February 13th.
Feb 10th 1912: LETTER TO THE EDITOR – As a matter of fact education authorities presiding over Elementary Schools are far too ambitious in their teaching programmes –they attempt too much –spend too much –and fail lamentably in producing good results. The boys are educated above their stations in life and become hooligans, and the girls imbibe the socialistic views of the teachers and are unable to settle down to domestic routine…..yours faithfully RYDE
Feb 10th 1912: PASSENGER STEAMER ASHORE – The S.S. Helens, belonging to the Southampton Steampacket Company, went ashore on the Shrape on Monday evening on her trip from Ryde to Cowes. The passengers who numbered about 30, were transferred to the launch Precursor and landed at Cowes. The Helens re-floated about an hour later.
Feb 10th 1912: ACCIDENT – Dr. Spencer CHURCHILL had the misfortune to sustain a fracture of the arm owing to a collision with Mrs. BAYLISS’s car, when riding down Wood-street. He was at once taken home and attended to by Dr. BANKS.
Feb 10th 1912: ANOTHER ACCIDENT – In the course of a game of football between the People’s Own X1 and De LAUNAY’s Stores at Partlands on Thursday afternoon, Mr. M. De LAUNAY’s fell and fractured his leg. P.C. WARNE rendered first aid and the sufferer was removed to his home.
Feb 10th 1912: CHARITY – The Ryde Gaslight Company have recently distributed thirty tons of coal among the poor of the town. This seasonable gift has been much appreciated.
Feb 17th 1912: RED CROSS SOCIETY – The first lecture in connection with this society was given at the Justices Room, Town Hall, on Tuesday. General R. S. FETHERSTONHAUGH, C.B., introduced the lecturer, Dr. Spencer CHURCHILL, and pointed out that membership of the Society carried with it neither fee nor obligation. Dr. CHURCHILL, though handicapped by his recent accident, gave a most interesting lecture, pointing out the advantages which a knowledge of first-aid conferred.
Feb 24th 1912: CENTENARIAN STONE – At the Council meeting, whether the desirability of erecting a “centenarian stone” in the Cemetery, would be considered. It appears that in the ten years ended December last 30 persons have died in Ryde aged 90 years or over, while three have died this year. Of the 30 persons, ten were males and 20 females. As the majority did not reach their hundredth birthday “centenarian” does not seem quite a fitting name for the proposed stone.
Feb 24th 1912: ACCUMMULATION OF SAND – Mr. G. W. COLENUTT, who has always taken a great interest in the foreshore, has taken a series of photographs which illustrate in a very striking manner the rapid accretion of the sand under the sea wall. Since the “bunny” or sluice was built at Cornwall slipway the sand has gradually accumulated until today portions.
Feb 24th 1912: MARRIED ALLOWANCES – There has been great dissatisfaction amongst Territorials with regard to separation allowance. In the past a non-commissioned officer with a wife and children has had extra pay for his wife and children, while the married private Territorial soldier has received only his pay. Now, apparently, it is the intention of the Government to alter this.