Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

February 1913

Isle of Wight Observer:-

Feb 1st 1913: LODGING HOUSES – It is admittedly a more difficult problem to provide “model lodging houses” for women. Women cannot afford to pay so much, and greater care is needed to secure the admission of those only who are desirable.

Feb 1st 1913: BENEFIT – Dr. Yates MANDER leaves Ryde this week for a rest cure, taking with him the good wishes of all his many friends. It is hoped the complimentary benefit concert, which the Philharmonic Society is giving him, will be largely attended.

Feb 1st 1913: CHRISTMAS DINNER – The annual supper of the members of the Star Hotel Christmas Club was held on Tuesday evening when about 40 sat down to an enjoyable reunion. The evening was spent in harmony, songs being contributed by Messrs. WILSON, RAYNER, JENVEY, MUNDELL, BARTRUM, NEWLAND, ROGERS, HOLBROOKS and others.

Feb 1st 1913: FROM LONDON – Lt.-Col. TATE from London, conducted special services at the Salvation Army Citadel, Green-street, Ryde, on Sunday last. She also conducted the meeting at the People’s Own, in the afternoon when she delivered an address on the Christian work in Japan.

Feb 1st 1913: HAZELWOOD – This seaside home has again been the means of blessings to hundreds of young men. Between 1,100 and 1,200 men passed through the home during 1912. Quite a number who were physically unfit for work when they came, returned with renewed strength and energy to fulfil life’s duties.

Feb 8th 1913: MAIL – It is hoped that Mr. Douglas HALL may be able to bring about an alteration in the present system of carrying mails across the Solent. It is absurd to permit fog to prevent the carriage of mails, when newspapers are brought across without any difficulty.

Feb 8th 1913: COOKERY – There would appear to be a shortage of ladies qualified, or willing, to act as cookery instructresses to the Ryde Education Committee.

Feb 8th 1913: EXODUS TO CANADA – Judging by the indications, emigration to Canada will be unusually heavy this year. Many of the big liners have already had all their third class accommodation booked up for some considerable time ahead, each day brings fresh applications.

Feb 15th 1913: Y.M.C.A. BOY SCOUTS – On Monday Mr. A. ANDREWS, JP., gave the Scouts, a tea at the Barn, their headquarters, in Union-road. On Tuesday at a drawing room meeting given by Mr. A. ANDREWS, Mr. HEALD gave a lecture on the scouting movement and showed photographs of the “Barn,” in Union-road, its interior and exterior, and the boys at work there.

Feb 15th 1913: ACCIDENT – A boy named GRANT, 7 years of age, son of the proprietor of the Nag’s Head, Ryde sustained some bruises as the result of an accident in the street on Monday at about mid-day. The lad ran across the High-street, and was struck by the wheel of a butcher’s cart, belonging to Mr. LOADER. The boy had received nothing worse than bruises and a bad fright.

Feb 15th 1913: ST. VALENTINE’S EVE- A successful dance, in aid of the funds of the Ryde Football Club, was held on Thursday evening at the Town Halls. The attendance was upwards of 200 being present. Music was provided by the band of the 2nd Wessex Brigade, R.F.A.

Feb 15th 1913: RARE COLOURED STARLING – Amongst a flock of starlings near the road from Upton to Havenstreet, one bird appeared in a much lighter coloured suit. The head and shoulders of the variety was a lavender or amethyst colour, whilst the wings and tail and under portion of its body was of a dull colour.