February 1916
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Feb 5th 1916: CARGO OF COAL SUNK – The British ship, Franz Fischer, which was sunk in the North Sea on Tuesday night by a bomb from a Zeppelin, had on board a cargo of coal for the Island Gaslight Companies, 500 tons of which was destined for the Ryde Gas-works.
Feb 5th 1916: VOLUNTEER CORPS – During the course of the war about thirty members of the Ryde Volunteer Training Corps have joined the regular Army. Many of them won early promotion from their knowledge of drill gained whilst in the ranks of the V.T.C. One member gained his first stripe six weeks after joining the Army, and was a sergeant in fifteen weeks.
Feb 5th 1916: SEA WALL DAMAGE – During the strong wind and high tide on Thursday night about 60 feet of the sea wall on the Eastern Esplanade was washed down. The work of repairing the damage was taken in hand yesterday (Friday) under the direction of the Borough Surveyor (Mr C. MATHEW).
Feb 5th 1916: ENTERTAINED – At the invitation of Mr Capel MORRIS, his colleagues who, like himself are doing good and patriotic service as special constables, met him at dinner at MARLOW’s Restaurant on Tuesday evening. A pleasant and convivial evening was spent.
Feb 5th 1916: ALLIES CONCERT – The first public performance by the Allies Musical and Dramatic Society was given at the Theatre Royal, on Thursday afternoon and proved a gratifying success. The house was filled from floor to ceiling, and many convalescent soldiers were present as the guests of thoughtful friends. A long programme was provided, and the splendid string band of the 3rd Battalion the Royal Warwickshire Regiment was present.
Feb 19th 1916: WORKSHOP – When the history of the war comes to be written, one of the most interesting chapters will be that descriptive of the part played by women, especially on the patriotic and philanthropic side. While fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons have been facing death in the trenches, mothers, wives, sisters, and sweethearts, have been contributing their share to ultimate victory.
Feb 19th 1916: APPLICATION REFUSED – On Monday’s Borough Bench Mr John COOMBES, of Haylands asked permission for his wife and himself to go round the town with a gramophone so as to earn a shilling or two and keep them out of the Workhouse. He said he was 75 years of age and the old age pension was not sufficient to live on.
Feb 19th 1916: EXTENSION – At the Borough Bench on Monday Mr Capel MORRIS, on behalf of the hon. secretary of the Ryde Club, Spencer Road, applied for an extension for two hours on the occasion of an exhibition billiard match on the 18th inst. The majority being in favour the application was granted.
Feb 19th 1916: WATCH COMMITTEE REPORT – Of the 16 persons proceeded against, one (attempted suicide) was acquitted, four were bound over under Probation of Offenders Act, and 11 convicted.
Feb 19th 1916: TUNNEL – The Isle of Wight’s greatest need is uninterrupted communication with the mainland. This can only be brought about by means of a sea tunnel. If that long talked of project had been carried out it would have been of the greatest use this war time for the transport of troops and way material.
Feb 26th 1916: INSURANCE – At a special meeting it was asked if it were not desirable to request a report on the question of insuring the public buildings against aircraft raids. It was suggested that the subject be discussed at the March meeting of the Council.
Feb 26th 1916: ADVERTISEMENT – Single Men , Last Days for Voluntary Enlistment. For this purpose the Drill Hall, Newport will be open for recruits attesting under the Group Scheme on Feb 26th, 28th, 29th and March 1st. God Save the King.