February 1917
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Feb 3rd 1917: YELF’S HOTEL – At the Borough Bench sitting on Monday the license of Yelf’s Hotel was temporarily transferred from Mrs Norah B. JENNINGS to Miss MOULDEN, of the Albion Hotel, Freshwater, and Mr S. B. THRESHER.
Feb 3rd 1917: “A COUNTRY GIRL” – This bright musical play was performed at the Theatre Royal this week by the Allies Musical and Dramatic Society, who received assistance from our soldier friends, the result being that an unqualified success was achieved.
Feb 3rd 1917: FIRE AT SIVIER’S HOTEL – On Tuesday afternoon the Borough Brigade were called to a fire at Sivier’s Hotel, now being used by the Military. A defective hearth setting had caused a large beam and joists in the first floor to become ignited. After taking up the floor it was extinguished by the chemical apparatus and buckets of water. The property belongs to Messrs. Mew, Langton and Co.
Feb 3rd 1917: PATRIOTIC APPEAL – The Mayor has issued the following appeal which it is hoped will meet with a ready response from all those who are in a position to comply with it. “His Majesty the King appeals to able-bodied men of all ages to join the Volunteers, and to show to our enemies that all His Majesty’s subjects are ready to serve in the defence of our beloved country.”
Feb 10th 1917: LOCAL ARTIST’S WORK – The realistic cornfield scene in the first act of “A Country Girl,” so successfully produced at the Theatre Royal last week, was painted by Mr Robert LLOYD, of Binstead, who is to be congratulated on his talent as a scenic artist.
Feb 10th 1917: POSTMAN’S ACCIDENT – Mr H. FAIRALL, of Albert Street, one of the local postmen, met with an unfortunate fall on Monday on the slippery pavement near Mr TEAGUE’s shop in the High Street. On being medically attended it was found that he had dislocated his shoulder.
Feb 10th 1917: LOCAL WEDDING – A Military motor wedding was solemnised at All Saints’ Church, on Saturday afternoon, when Mrs JENNINGS, late of Yelf’s Hotel, Union Street, was married to Captain Arthur Vivian WHITE, R.E., of Portsmouth. The bride, who wore a dress of nigger brown silk, with hat to match, was given away by Captain PYNE, R.E.
Feb 17th 1917: “THE TANK” – In spite of so many soldiers having left the town this week, this popular little canteen in Monkton Street, opened by the late Miss MACQUEEN in November last, and known as “The Tank,” is still able to keep open full time twice daily. The ladies now responsible for the carrying it on are Mrs H. ADAMS and Mrs A. C. OSBORN, ably assisted by a band of willing helpers.
Feb 17th 1917: POLICE CHANGES – P.S. SHANNON, of the I.W. Constabulary, who has been stationed at Oakfield for some time past, is removing to Ventnor. P.S. SHANNON, who has proved himself a most tactful, resourceful and courteous officer while in this district, is to be congratulated on his promotion.
Feb 24th 1917: NATIONAL SERVICE – If the Voluntary National Service is to succeed, some very energetic propaganda is necessary to bring home the need to the mass of the population, and to enlist their interest and support. In this campaign local authorities are expected to play an important part.
Feb 24th 1917: NOT USUAL – A lady commercial traveller was to be seen in Ryde this week, and like mere man she seemed to have her troubles. Judging from the rather vicious manner in which she replaced her dainty fabrics in the hamper, trade was not up to expectations, or a screw was loose somewhere.
Feb 24th 1917: “SPUDS” – The Island growers of potatoes were not inclined to meet the retailers as to price until they found that it was a case of keeping their “spuds” or complying with the Government requirements.