February 1925
Isle of Wight County Press:
Feb 7th 1925: AMATEUR PERFORMERS – Talented performances of the well-known farce “The Man from Blankley’s,” given by the Isle of Wight Hunt Amateur Dramatic Society, on behalf of the County Hospital, drew large audiences to the Theatre Royal, Ryde. The piece was well staged and the setting, for amateur players was capital throughout. They were fortunate in having the very able services of Mr. A. H. DERRICK, of Ryde, as hon. Stage manager and producer.
Feb 7th 1925: ST. MARY’S WHIST – The results of the weekly whist drive on Tuesday was as follows: ladies—Miss E. BRIND and Miss CASS ; gentlemen—F. OAK and C. TAYLOR : Mr. WOODWARD was M.C.
Feb 7th 1925: FOOTBALL ENTHUSIASTS – A large number of football enthusiasts crossed to Portsmouth on Wednesday to see the F.A. cup match with Blackburn Rovers. The hundreds of passengers at the Pier-head were suggestive of those in August.
Feb 7th 1925: ST. JAMES’S SUNDAY SCHOOL – The prize-giving took place on Thursday, when nearly 100 children sat down to tea with their parents in the large Town-hall. Dr. SCHOFIELD concluded the evening with a talk, in which he gave some very sound advice.
Feb 7th 1925: POPULAR BAND CONCERT – The band of the 2nd Batt. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, which performed at the Town-hall on Wednesday evening had a rousing reception from the large audience. A variety of renditions were performed with great excellence, of which would be heard no equal. Before playing the National Anthem, the band gave their regimental march.
Feb 14th 1925: RYDE TOWN COUNCIL – The gift to the ex-Mayor, a handsome silver tea and coffee service with kettle and tray, and a diamond amethyst and pearl pendant for Mrs. ANDREWS, were tastefully displayed on the Council table and aroused general admiration. In asking Ald. ANDREWS to accept these gifts for himself and Mrs. ANDREWS, the Mayor explained that the presentation had come about in an unusual way.
Feb 21st 1925: WORKER’S WAGES – The Agricultural Worker’s Committee has appeared to have settled down to their task if fixing rates of wages in a spirit of friendly co-operation, and the progress which has been made up to the present is very striking. No fewer than 42 have agreed on the rates being fixed.
Feb 21st 1925: LOCAL BILLIARD MATCH – On Tuesday the Y.M.C.A. defeated Welby Institute at billiards, by four matches to nil at the Association’s Club-rooms.
Feb 28th 1925: ST JOHN’S SCOUTS – A concert held in the Parish-hall, Oakfield on Thursday, to raise funds for the St. John’s Troupe of Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs, attracted a large audience, and about £8 was taken at the door. Owing to difficulties, many of the artistes who had promised to add to the programme were unable to do so, but in spite of this an excellent entertainment was provided.
Feb 28th 1925: ADVERTISEMENT – Have a Typewriter of your Own, the new plus model “Corona” complete with carrying case. Costs only £12. 12s. 0d. Stocked by Fred P. MELLISH, printer and stationer, Ryde. Phone Ryde 91. We supply and repair all makes of machines.
Feb 28th 1925: ADVERTISEMENT – Knitted Suits, Messrs. S. FOWLER & Co. promise that they will be quite as popular as they were last Spring. The new ones are very smart and quite different in style. A large quantity is being obtained..