Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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February 1965

Isle of Wight Times:-

Feb 4th 1965: “BEATING” OPPOSITION – The Meteors, a Ryde “pop” group, won the Hampshire Association of Youth Clubs’ “beat contest” at Southampton Guildhall on Friday, beating The Blues Syndicate, of Fleet in the final after earlier winning an eliminating round.

Feb 4th 1965: AT STATE FUNERAL – AB. BRIDLE, of H.M.S. Excellent, who lives at 44 Argyll Street, was a member of the gun crew at the funeral of Sir Winston CHURCHILL.

Feb 4th 1965: FARE INCREASE – Anger flared at Ryde Professional and Business Men’s Association meeting on Thursday when members heard of am 8d. fare increase on the Ryde-Portsmouth passenger ferry service which comes into effect on Monday.

Feb 4th 1965: TRAMPS’ BALL – The members committee of Ryde Youth Centre organised a tramps’ ball at the centre and raised £14 towards a new amplifier for the hall. Music was provided by the “Midnight Creepers.”

Feb 4th 1965 RECEPTION – About 120 representatives of the Island’s book and newsagent trades were invited to a reception at the Ponda Rosa, given by the New English Library Ltd., of London. On display were some 3,000 books, mostly novels but also including the “Mentor” and “Signet” series of classics and specialist subjects.

Feb 4th 1965: DISMISSED – Appeals over the rating assessments of four flats in a large Victorian house in Ryde have been dismissed by the Land Tribunal in London. The appeal was made by Mrs. E. A. LOVELL, owner of the house in George Street, and occupier of one of the flats.

Feb 11th 1965: FANCIERS – Mr. J. SYMONS of Ryde, addressed fellow members of Ryde Fanciers’ Association at the Oddfellow Hall on Friday evening, on hybrid and mule cage birds.

Feb 11th 1965: INSTITUTE – Hayland W.I. held their meeting at the Southern Gas Showrooms on Wednesday, where the members enjoyed a cookery demonstration given by Mrs. BOULTER.

Feb 11th 1965: SILVER CORDS – They met on Tuesday in the Oddfellows Hall and were welcomed by Mr. HINDYELF. The opening songs were accompanied by Mrs. MILLS at the piano.
members added to the programme some Reciting, others in more jocular mood, jest and song.

Feb 18th 1965: YOUTH DANCE – More than £20 was raised by a dance organised at Ryde Youth Centre on Friday by the members committee, netball and hockey teams, in aid of the girls’ sports fund. Music was provided by the Tomrons.

Feb 25th 1965: CONCERTS – Can anything be done to save our Silver Band concerts on Sunday evenings this summer? The Band has attained a good standard and is popular with both residents and visitors. It needs support and the loss of this engagement will be a serious financial blow.

Feb 25th 1965: SEVEN DAYS – In order to give lessons when convenient to pupils Bryan GREAVES, Driving School Academy, Mayfield-road, Ryde, will continue to operate a Seven Day Week. Instructors’ hours have been so arranged for the benefit of the five day week workers.

Feb 25th 1965: SALVATION ARMY – The “get together” meeting on Thursday was arranged by Band Secretary D. BURGESS. Items were given by various Bandsmen. The songsters and Timbrel Brigade also took part.