February 1973
Isle of Wight County Press:
Feb 3rd 1973: CLEARING GRAVEYARD – Pupils from Form 4R2 at Ryde High School, under the leadership of their form-master, Mr. David TAMCKEN, are clearing the Ryde St. John’s graveyard on a sponsored basis to earn funds for a Vietnamese war orphan, at present in a Saigon orphanage. They are faced with dense bramble 9ft. high and have a formidable task ahead. The Rev. Norman CROWDER, vicar, hopes to organise church work parties to continue the good work.
Feb 3rd 1973: REFUSE SCHEME CRITICISED – After reading a report on the likely costs of the new system, aimed at providing a bonus scheme for dustmen, it was said they were embarking on a less efficient service which nevertheless was more expensive. Their aim was a reduction in manpower by three, from 14 to 11 and the saving achieved was to pay for the bonus.
Feb 3rd 1973: LADY PLAYERS – Ryde’s top lady darts players are challenging ladies’ teams all over the Island. The best of Ryde and District players are being formed into two teams with a pool of about 30 to choose from, hoping that sides from other areas will play them. The scheme is being organised by Mr. G. WILLIAMS and Mrs. B. SCRIVENS, based at the Simeon Arms, Ryde.
Feb 10th 1973: NOTORIOUS JUNCTION – Ryde Town Council Roads Committee unanimously approved a resolution to instruct the borough surveyor to negotiate with the regional controller the whole question of traffic lights being placed at the West Street-Argyll Street-Green Street junction in order to reduce accidents. There were more accidents in the last month than in any of the preceding three years.
Feb 10th 1973: TREE PLANTING – Eight young trees were planted at St. John’s County Primary School, Ryde, on Thursday week, as the school’s contribution to the 1973 tree planting year. Mr. W. N. WATKIN, headmaster, said the idea had come from Mr. H. W. BARRETT, county education officer. Six of the trees, four silver birch and two conifers, were given by the Forestry Commission, and two flowering cherries were given and planted by Mr. E. H. CASTLE.
Feb 10th 1973: RYDE FIRE – Firemen using two appliances from Ryde and a water tender from Newport fought a fire at the factory of Trucast Ltd., Marlborough Road, Ryde, on Thursday evening. Two wax mould drying ovens were extinguished by foam and by water from a static tank. Both ovens and part of the roof were severely damaged. The outbreak was discovered by the night staff.
Feb 10th 1973: ALARM SYSTEMS – Mr. R. J. FAIRWEATHER, housing officer, reported that some months ago he was asked to investigate the possibility of acquiring simple visual and audible alarm systems in old persons dwellings in order that residents could summon assistance in times of illness.
Feb 10th 1973: TOWNSWOMEN’S GUILD – At Ryde Central, the development of towns in the Island since the late 18th century was the subject of a talk given by Mr. J. COLLETT, assistant county archivist. Two new members were welcomed. The brass competition was won by Miss O’CONNOR and the best bloom by Mrs. PARROTT.
Feb 10th 1973: CIRCULATION – The weekly net sale of the County Press for the six months July to December 1972 as shown by a certificate issued by the Audit Bureau of Circulations, was 34,548.
Feb 17th 1973: COMEDY – Mr. Raymond ALLEN (33) of Salters Road, Ryde, had the first of seven comedy episodes screened on B.B.C. Television this week. It is called “Some Mothers Do Have ‘Em” and stars Michael CRAWFORD and Michele DOTRICE.
Feb 17th 1973: HOUSING REPAIRS – An improved system of council housing house repairs was promised after council officers had admitted that the present position was unsatisfactory. Frequently the first that officers knew about incomplete work was when complaints arrived from tenants. Labour shortages were aggravated by difficulties in recruiting new workmen.