February 1975
Due to circumstances beyond our control, and files not being available for 1975, we have substituted this month’s with February 1960 news.
Isle of Wight County Press:
Feb 6th 1960: GOLDEN WEDDINGS – Two Ryde couples celebrate their golden wedding anniversary today, they are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Percival William WRAY, of George Street, who married at St. John’s Church, Newport, on February 6th 1910, his wife, formerly Miss Evelyn Harriet COTTON, a native of Godshill. Also, Mr. and Mrs. William Leonard BARNES, of Lower Flat, Glencoe, Surbiton Grove, who married at Christchurch, Freemantle, Southampton, his wife, formerly Miss Lilian Blanch SHEEN, born Shoeburyness, Essex, but her father was an Island man.
Feb 6th 1960: DINNER AT RYDE – Ald. Mark WOODNUTT, M.P. (president of the I.W. Car Club) told 160 members and guests at the annual dinner at the Hotel Ryde Castle on Friday week that he would not countenance the annual rally lapsing, and undertook to raise £40 to encourage the organisers to go ahead with this year’s event.
Feb 6th 1960: POST OFFICE PRESENTATION – A presentation was made to Mr. T. J. (Jack) BUTCHER, of 60 Upton Road, Haylands, on the occasion of his retirement on reaching the age limit, last week after 29 years’ service in the Post Office Engineering Department. Mr. MORRIS (executive engineer) handed Mr. BUTCHER a cheque from his colleagues on the Island and at Portsmouth.
Feb 6th 1960: PRIZEGIVING AT RYDE – The second annual prizegiving at Pellhurst School of Shorthand and Typewriting, Ryde, took place on Saturday, when 40 students, parents and friends attended. The Mayor of Ryde (Lt.-Col L. W. LEWER, D.S.O.), who was accompanied by the Mayoress, presented Pitman certificates won during 1959 and the school prizes. A bouquet was presented to the Mayoress by 11-year-old Josephine WOODHOUSE, the youngest student.
Feb 6th 1960: PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY – A combined meeting of the Isle of Wight and the Sandown/Shanklin societies drew an audience of 50 at a meeting at Ryde on Friday week. The speaker was Mr. Donald ALLEN, F.R.P.S., the eminent pictorial photographer. With his usual ready wit, Mr. ALLEN had his audience interested and intrigued.
Feb 13th 1960: “WHERE THE RAINBOW ENDS” – Young pupils of Westwing School created the phantasy world of dragons, witches, and magic carpets with endearing enthusiasm and not a little talent when they staged one of the Island’s rare performances of “Where the Rainbow Ends” at the Esplanade Pavilion, Ryde, on Friday week. This enchanting play, written to be acted by children for children, has all the ingredients of good and evil to be found in most pantomimes.
Feb 13th 1960: CONTEST – Ryde Town Council have decided that the borough shall enter Southern Television’s “Southern Belle” contest this year. Residents and visitors will be eligible.
Feb 13th 1960: HOTEL RYDE CASTLE – A 45-year-old career in the catering trade ended on Monday, when Mr. E. J. HOAR handed over the licence of the Hotel Ryde Castle at Ryde Brewster Sessions. The new licensee who succeeds Mr. HOAR after his 15 years proprietorship is Mr. Patrick George MCGROGGAN. An Irishman from Belfast, Mr. MCGROGGAN has had 25 years’ experience in the trade.
Feb 20th 1960: TREND BOUND TO CONTINUE – Mr. MERRILL, who caused some amusement at the Council meeting by the introduction of “Your Worships,” said there had been a change of climate. Last year it was “We never had it so good,” this year it was “Things ain’t what they used to be.” The financial honeymoon was over. The nation demanded a higher standard of public services and they had to be paid for. Things that were out last year were back again.
Feb 27th 1960: HELICOPTER SERVICE – Ryde Airport, which has been disused for five years, may be brought into use this year for a helicopter service between Portsmouth and the Island. Executair, Ltd., the associate company of Inter-City Airways, have negotiated the lease of the airport with the owners, the Westridge Construction Company. Plans are afoot to use a helicopter to fly mainland visitors direct to the Island Industrial exhibition and fair, to be held at Warner’s Puckpool, and St. Clare holiday camps in April.