January 1859
January 1859 – 150 Years Ago
Isle of Wight Observer
Jan 1st 1859: ARRIVAL – Sir Augustus and Lady Elizabeth CLIFFORD, Capt. CLIFFORD, Mr. Charles CLIFFORD, M.P., and the Misses CLIFFORD arrived at Westfield on Monday, from the Continent and London.
Jan 1st 1859: CHRISTMAS – Christmas passed away in Ryde with great quietness and decorum; and it is not a little to say that not a single case of drunkenness came before the cognizance of the police during the holidays.
Jan 1st 1859: DINNER – House-warming several friends of “mine host” of the snug little inn, called the Falcon, met together on Wednesday evening, and partook of a most comfortable dinner; after which the merry song and complimentary toast, varied by racy tales, was the order on the occasion.
Jan 1st 1859: THE SHORE – Immense quantities of sea weed have been washed in by the late high tides, and spread over the shore, but it is rapidly removed by the Inspector of Nuisances for agricultural purposes.
Jan 1st 1859: OPTICIAN – It will be seen by advertisement that Mr. MENIST, the optician, in consequence of the success he has met with, will prolong his stay in Ryde for another week.
Jan 15th 1859: CLIMATE – The weather during the week has been delightful. The groves have been in perpetual charm and the notes of the birds have been almost as numerous as in May.
Jan 15th 1859: ANOTHER LAW SUIT – One of the greatest curses which has affected the town of Ryde since its incorporation in 1829 has been litigation. It is well-known that the Ferry Company made a breach in the Esplanade wall and are using the Esplanade for their traffic without a previous agreement for compensation and they now deny their responsibility. Mr. HOSKINS of Gosport is entrusted with the case of bringing the action.
Jan 15th 1859: HARMONIC FESTIVITY – The members and friends of the Harmonic Society held at SWEETMAN’s Brewery, dined together on Tuesday evening. A substantial repast was placed on the table, and after full justice had been done to it, harmony prevailed during the remainder of the time.
Jan 22nd 1859: A PROBLEM SOLVED – A few weeks ago we criticised an absurd account given in the “twopenny whistle” of the invention of a self-acting wheel at the steam mills, Ryde, and we predicted the failure of the concern. Our prediction is verified, but not in the manner we expected; for the sheriff’s officer has stepped in between the inventor and his chimes, and he (the latter) is non est inventus.
Jan 22nd 1859: ACCIDENT – As Miss BREEDON was taking equestrian exercise on the Esplanade on Wednesday afternoon, her horse became restive, and suddenly threw her on the ground; and though she was up in an instant, her horse galloped back towards home. Fortunately she was not hurt.
Jan 29th 1859: IMPORTANT INVENTION – Our attention has been drawn to an invention of Mr. W. WHITFIELD of Ryde, which bids fair to play an important part in the navigation of ships. The invention consists of a series of semi-circular tubes of vulcanised self-inflating India-rubber which can be easily affixed on a ships’ sides or bottom, in case of stranding or being required to be navigated over bars and in shallow water.