January 1865
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Jan 7th 1865: BEACHLANDS – The fine old English custom, which for years had been kept up by the late General Sir James CALDWELL, G.C.B., of giving a Christmas ball to his domestics and their friends, has been continued by Mrs. SULLIVAN and Sir John and Lady LEES. On Tuesday evening about 100 persons assembled to do honour to this generous invitation.
Jan 7th 1865: GIVING THE CUE – Sporting gentlemen will see by advertisement that Old SNOW has taken the Green Dragon, and fitted up the billiard room in first-rate style. His motto will be, civility, cleanliness, coziness, and comfort.
Jan 7th 1865: WATCH NIGHT – We believe the custom “to watch and pray” as the Old Year went out and the New Year came in originated with the Methodists, and certainly in our locality it was confined to them for many years, though now it has become general amongst all denominations.
Jan 7th 1865: GRAND PARTY – The Countess METAXÀ gave a grand party on Thursday evening, among whom were the six bridesmaids in the dresses worn by them at the grand wedding on Saturday last of Capt William BEERS of the 26th Cameronians, to Miss Ellen, second daughter of the late Sir George MACLEAN, K.C.B. The musical programme was arranged by Messrs. CONDUIT and SALTER.
Jan 14th 1865: HORTICULTURE – Mr. Charles DIMMICK has just issued his annual catalogue of garden seeds for the forthcoming season, which may be had, gratis, on application at the Nursery, High-street, Ryde; and, from his long-standing and high reputation, no puffing is required to recommend his collection.
Jan 14th 1865: YOUNG LADIES – Mrs. CURTIS begs to inform the inhabitants of Ryde that she has opened a school at Laurel Cottage, West-street, Ryde, and respectfully solicits a share of their patronage. Terms, 20s. per Quarter, including use of Class Books and Maps. Music and French, extras.
Jan 21st 1865: GREAT STORM – On Friday night and all day on Saturday last, a great storm passed over the Isle of Wight. At times the wind blew a hurricane. We have seen elms torn up by the roots, limbs stripped from oaks, the streets strewed with tiles and chimney pots, and damage afloat.
Jan 21st 1865: FORESTER’S BALL – This ball, which takes place on Tuesday next, promises to be unusually attractive. We remind readers that the object is one of charity, the profits being devoted to the widow’s and orphans’ fund.
Jan 28th 1865: FOR SALE – at Carter’s Coach Factory, Union-street, Ryde, an assortment of about 30 carriages, new and second-hand, comprising: Broughams, Waggonettes, Park Phaetons, Barouches, four and two wheel Dog carts and single Basket carriages and Albert Phaetons; also a light spring cart. Orders and repairs punctually attended to.
Jan 28th 1865: POOR PEOPLE – Mr. Blackall SIMONDS, on completing his 70th year, instituted a custom which he has followed ever since his birthdays came round, that of presenting a gallon loaf each to a number of poor aged persons corresponding to the number of his years.
Jan 28th 1865: FASHIONABLE INTELLEGENCE – Dover-street: Clyde House, Mrs. SCHOLEFIELD and family; Montague House, Mr. and Misses OWEN; Chatfield House, Rev. A. J. and Mrs. WADE and family.