Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

January 1868

Isle of Wight Observer:

Jan 4th 1868:  GRATIFYING NEWS – Amidst the many disasters which it has of late been the duty of journalists to record, it is gratifying to be able to notice the charitable contributions which the return of this festive season has called forth in aid of the deserving poor; indeed, many days during the past week considerably over a column of the morning papers have been occupied in recording these donations.

Jan 4th 1868:  TREAT – A Christmas treat was given to the children of St. Marie’s Catholic Schools, Ryde, on Thursday last by their pastor, the Rev. Dean PHILIPS.  After an abundant supply of tea, cake, &c., a large and handsome Christmas tree was lighted up, and the happy little ones drew tickets for the many prizes hanging thereon.  Many little games were played and pieces sung.

Jan 4th 1868:  LETTER TO THE EDITOR – I address a letter to you on the defective state of the pavement in Pier-street, one of the greatest thoroughfares of the town.  Why should the Commissioners re-pave West-street, where, comparatively speaking, there are no pedestrians, and leave Pier-street alone?  If anything is to be done advantage may be taken of the dull season to accomplish the work.

Jan 11th 1868:  FIRE – Shortly after 12 o’clock on Saturday night the thatched roof of the residence of George Spencer RIDGWAY, esq. known as Primrose Cottage, at the top of West-street, was discovered to be on fire.  The firemen and engine, under the direction of Mr. John LANGDON, was soon on the spot, but it was nearly 2 o’clock before water could be procured.  Mr. LANGDON reports that if he could have procured a supply when they arrived, most of the property would have been saved.  More than one third of the roof has been destroyed and considerable damage was also done to the furniture.

Jan 11th 1868:  ALMANACK – The “Isle of Wight Observer” Almanack, we respectfully request the acceptance by our numerous subscribers of our office Almanack for the year 1868, compiled as usual, in a convenient form for the counting-house, office, smoking-room, butler’s pantry, and many other places, where it will be continually useful.  Any other of our friends requesting them may call at our office.

Jan 18th 1868:  VENTRILOQUISM – We see by advertisement that our highly-amusing friend, Mr. NEWMAN, will give one of his attractive entertainments on Monday evening next at the Victoria-rooms, at exceedingly moderate charges.  We wish him success.

Jan 18th 1868:  DANCING – Mr. Russell THOMAS and Miss M. BIGGS’ dancing classes commenced for the season on Monday last at the Town-hall, and was attended by a large number of pupils of the upper classes of Ryde and its vicinity.  Their teaching is acknowledged by the aristocracy to be all that could be desired, so that doubtless these classes will prove a success.

Jan 18th 1868: HOLY TRINITY – We understand that the Rev. Randall W. VICKERS has, much to the regret of the congregation, resigned the curacy of the Church of The Holy Trinity, which he has gratuitously held for the last three years.

Jan 25th 1868:  NEW ASSEMBLY ROOM – Messrs. PARSONS and SAUNDERS, the contractors, seem to be pushing this work with all their energy; indeed, considering the time of year when it was commenced, and the wet weather we have lately experienced, it is greatly to their credit that so much progress has been made.  It is certainly desirable that it should be ready for the requirements of next season.

Jan 25th 1868:  WATER – An immense amount of inconvenience has been experienced by the inhabitants generally, in consequence of the bursting of the main water pipe, which occurred on Tuesday night, in two places—one near Mr. W. FAIRALL’s, in High-street, and the other near Pound shute.  On Wednesday there was another burst near Great Whitefield farm, and on Thursday morning another near Ashey gate.  Men were at work night and day, but still, during all this time, there was not a drop of water to be had.