January 1869
Isle of Wight Observer:
Jan 2nd 1869: DONATION – We have received £1 from Mr. Joseph PEIL, with a request that 10s. should be given to the Royal Isle of Wight Infirmary, 5s. to the Royal Isle of Wight Blind Society, and 5s. in aid of the funds of the Soup Kitchen. We shall be happy to comply with the wishes of the donor.
Jan 2nd 1869: WHY? – Why are equestrians, dairymen, bakers, tailors, dressmakers, and young topers partial to the Isle of Wight? Because the first may have a Ryde there, the second Cowes, the third a Bight of Alum, the fourth Needles, the fifth Brading, and the last Newport.
Jan 2nd 1869: ILLUSIONS – Signor BOSCO gave two of his entertainments at the Victoria-rooms, on Thursday, to highly delighted audiences, which, on each occasion, concluded with a most wonderful feat justly entitled “A marvel of deception,” forming one of the most wonderful, laughable, and startling illusions we have ever witnessed.
Jan 9th 1869: CLEANLINESS – Notwithstanding the heavy downpour of the last few days, the streets of Ryde are as clean as they usually are in the height of summer. This speaks well for the health and comfort of its inhabitants, and cannot be too extensively known by the families seeking a healthy winter resort.
Jan 16th 1869: MISCHIEF OR WORSE – The servants at Winchelsea House, Spencer-road, were much alarmed at hearing some one wandering about in the garden, and not being able to find a policeman, ran to get the assistance of Mr. BUCKETT, the newly-elected sergeant-at-mace. That functionary soon discovered the intruder under a tree, and immediately collared him. Strange to say the party thus offending is in the employ of a neighbouring family, but refused to give an account of his conduct. More about Mr Henry Buckett here
Jan 23rd 1869: ODD FELLOWS’ REGALIA – On returning home from the Odd Fellow’ Hall on the morning of the 27th December, one of the Brethren lost his regalia, consisting of apron, scarf, and silver girdle. We are requested to state that the finder will be rewarded for his trouble by bringing it to the office of this paper.
Jan 23rd 1869: VOLUNTEER BAND – On Thursday evening the excellent band of the 1st Isle of Wight Rifle Volunteers performed in the streets for the first time this year. We congratulate Capt. NEWMAN and the members of this committee on the success of their efforts to provide a first-rate band for the town.
Jan 23rd 1869: APLEY WALL – The storms of this winter has committed sad havoc on the walls leading to Spring Vale, which it will cost a very considerable sum to repair.
Jan 23rd 1869: CHORAL SOCIETY – We are gratified to hear that a large number of members attended the practice on Monday last, this is as it should be, a few evenings work like that alluded to, would soon enable the committee to announce their first concert for the season.
Jan 30th 1869: BOROUGH POLICE FORCE – It has been arranged by the Watch Committee that the new police force, consisting of a superintendent, two sergeants, and seven constables, are to commence their duties on Monday 15th February. There were 97 applicants.
Jan 30th 1869: FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – Col. E. R. JEFFREYS, C.B., will, we understand, leave Parkhurst at the end of March, which appointment he has held for 14 years, and take up his residence at Seafield House, Pelham-field.
Jan 30th 1869: CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP – E. NEWBALD begs to inform his Patrons and Friends that the established Watch, Jewellery and Optical Business, which has been carried on by him so successfully for the last 13 years, will be brought to a conclusion on February, the 6th, 1869. The business will pass into the hands of Mr. William Iles FAIRALL, watchmaker and Jeweller, on the 6th February, 1869. More about Mr Edward Newbald here