January 1871
Hampshire Telegraph: (agent at Ryde – Mr. THURLOW)
Jan 4th 1871: SERVANTS – At the Ryde Borough Court, on Monday, Mrs. SIVIER, of Sivier’s Hotel, Pier-street, was charged with keeping three servants and neglecting to pay duty. Mr. JACQUES, Supervisor of Excise, conducted the case on behalf of the Commissioners of Inland revenue. Mr. WHITE appeared for the defendant, who was fined in the mitigated penalty of £5 and costs. More about Mrs Sivier here
Jan 7th 1871: ROYAL VISIT – The Queen paid a visit to Ryde on Wednesday evening. She drove down Union-street, along the Esplanade, and returned home by way of Melville-street and Cross-street. Her Majesty looked remarkably well.
Jan 7th 1871: DINNER – On Tuesday evening last the employés of the Ryde-pier Company and their friends dined together at the “Duke of Wellington” Tavern, Pier-street. Between thirty and forty sat down. After dinner the chair was occupied by Mr. ANDREWS, and the vice-chair by Mr. A. AUSTIN.
Jan 7th 1871: EDUCATION ACT – In order to guide them in carrying out the provisions of the Education Act, the Town Council have just made a census of the town. The result shows the number of houses to be 2,285; the population, 10,851; while the number of children under 13 years of age was 2,875.
Jan 14th 1871; RYDE CORPORATION – The monthly meeting took place, when a discussion took place on the probable necessity of an enlargement of the cemetery, and whether any steps had been taken to ascertain if any of the adjoining land was available. The Vicar then proposed a substantive motion, requesting the cemetery committee to take the matter in hand.
Jan 18th 1871: A THIEF – For some time the name of William DYER has figured in the Hue and Cry as being “wanted” for the theft of a magic lantern from Mr. Walter Waghorn, of Hammersmith. He was apprehended in Ryde last week by one of our borough police force, and on being searched the duplicates for some of the slides were found on him. He was subsequently taken before Mr. Alderman Thomas DASHWOOD, and remanded to the custody of the metropolitan authorities.
Jan 18th 1871: WORKING MEN’S CONSERVATIVE ASSN – On Monday evening some nine hundred of the members and friends were present at a musical entertainment with tea at the Town Hall, Ryde. Both the larger and the smaller halls were put into requisition and a bountiful repast was done full justice to, between thirty and forty tables being presided over by twice that number of ladies of the town.
Jan 21st 1871: FORESTRY IN RYDE – On Thursday evening the annual dinner of Court Astræa, Ancient Order of Foresters, took place at the Court-house, the Anglesea Tavern, Anglesea-street. About a hundred sat down, and after dinner the chair was occupied by the ex-Mayor (Mr. Alderman G. F. HARRINGTON). After conducting the general business when many toasts were responded to, Mr. WHITE concluded by observing that the objects of the order were to cheer and protect the unfortunate, to sympathise with and aid those whom accident or disease might overtake, and to dry the tear of the mourner. A very pleasant evening was spent. More about Mr Harrington here
Jan 25th 1871: AMATEUR PERFORMANCES – The performances at the theatre were, on Friday and Saturday—on the latter evening especially so—if possible, more successful than they were on Thursday. On Friday three laughable farces were produced. The characters were well supported, and the cast in each case—but particularly in the drama—was very felicitously distributed. The curtain had to be again and again raised to enable our friends to accept the marks of approval showered upon them.
Jan 28th 1871: WESLEYAN SUNDAY SCHOOL – On Wednesday evening the teachers in the Ryde Wesleyan Sunday-school and their friends, to the number of about a hundred, held their annual soirée at the Town-hall. After tea a number of pieces were sung, addresses were delivered, and a very pleasant evening was spent, the proceedings being diversed by some interesting chemical experiments by Mr. POLLOCK.