January 1873
Hampshire advertiser: Agents – The Misses Gibbs, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde
Jan 1st 1873: SEASONABLE BENEVOLENCE – Our venerable friend, Mr. Blackall SIMONDS, of Caversham House, who on his birthday and wedding day generously entertained his poorer neighbours, gave his Christmas gifts of beef, &c., to 122 poor families.
Jan 4th 1873: CATHOLIC SOIREE – On Thursday evening a soiree took place at the Victoria Rooms, which was largely attended by the congregation of St. Marie’s Catholic Church. The Rev. J. B. CAHILL occupied the chair, and a pleasant evening was passed.
Jan 4th 1873: TREAT TO THE R.V.Y. CLUB EMPLOYES – The whole of the employés belonging to this club, with their friends, numbering nearly fifty persons, were entertained in a most liberal and profuse manner at a ball and supper on the last night of the old year. Mr. WORLEY, the signalman, by the aid of flags and other yachting gear, metamorphosed the hall into a scene resembling a cabin ‘tween decks. Dancing commenced at 10 o’clock, and was kept up for some hours.
Jan 4th 1873: FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – Sir William and Lady HUTT have arrived at their residence, Apley Towers; Mrs Felder KING has removed to Yardley House, Strand.
Jan 8th 1873: CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION – The annual dinner to meet our respected member, Mr. Alexander Baillie COCHRANE, M.P., is announced to take place at the Victoria Rooms on Wednesday next, when Mr. George RENDALL, J.P., will take the chair. Our worthy member is now staying at Yelf’s Hotel.
Jan 8th 1873: THE CORPORATION & MR HARRINGTON – As our readers are aware a minority of the newly elected corporation recently passed a resolution expelling Alderman HARRINGTON from the Council, that gentleman has since given notice of action, in consequence of which a special meeting of the Council is to be held on Thursday.
Jan 8th 1873: COUNTY PETTY SESSIONS – James CASS and Oliver COOK were charged with being drunk and disorderly on the 26th ultimo. The case was proved by Police-constable YALDRON, and the defendants were fined 10s each and costs. Alfred PETTY, who did not appear, was charged with being drunk at Oakfield, on the 3rd of January. The offence was proved by Police-constable FRYER, and a fine of 5s and costs inflicted, or seven days imprisonment.
Jan 11th 1873: DEATH OF THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON – Intelligence of the Emperor Napoleon was received at the R.V.Y. Club, of which his Majesty was one of the oldest members. The flag is half-mast high in consequence of the sad event.
Jan 11th 1873: GRAND FANCY DRESS BALL AT THORNBROUGH – On Wednesday evening Admiral and Mrs. DICKSON gave their annual fancy dress ball at Thornbrough House. About 300 invitations were issued, and over 200 of the nobility and gentry were present. Jones’s quadrille band was in attendance, and dancing was kept up until nearly 5 o’clock in the morning, the scene being altogether a most brilliant one.
Jan 11th 1873: SCHOOL TREAT – The Countess of Clare gave the children of St. Mary’s Schools a treat on Thursday, consisting of tea, coffee, sweetmeats, &c., after which a magic lantern was exhibited, with a number of excellent dissolving views, and other amusements were entered into with great spirit.
Jan 22nd 1873: ACCIDENT – On Tuesday afternoon Mr. Carew GIBSON’s groom was riding a spirited cob down Union-street, and on turning the corner into Pier-street the animal became restive and fell on a stone exactly opposite Messrs. HAYLES and CROSBIE’s establishment, and broke its neck. The rider, fortunately, escaped unhurt.