January 1907
Isle of Wight Times & Hampshire Gazette
Jan 3rd 1907: LIFEBOAT DISASTER – We are requested by the Mayor of Ryde, to state that he has opened a fund for the relief of sufferers, and to appeal to the kindly disposed inhabitants for their sympathy by sending subscriptions to the Town Hall.
Jan 3rd 1907: SICK BENEFIT SOCIETY – The annual meeting was held at the Boys School, Player Street, on Monday evening, Mr. TYLER was in the chair.
Jan 3rd 1907: ASHEY RACE COURSE – We hear it is proposed to form a syndicate for the purchase of the I.W. Racecourse at Ashey, and to enclose the ground and make a charge for admission.
Jan 10th 1907: LIFEBOAT – The Lifeboat Fund now amounts to nearly £300.
Jan 10th 1907: HOSPITAL BALL – On Friday evening the annual ball in aid of the Royal I.W. Hospital was held at the Town Hall. The staircase and small hall was decorated as usual. The platform was occupied by the Band of the Royal Marine Light Infantry. Net proceeds were £79.1s.
Jan 10th 1907: MUFFLED BELLS – At Ryde Parish Church on Monday evening, as a token of respect for the two heroes of the lifeboat disaster, the bells were rung half muffled.
Jan 17th 1907: CYCLING CLUB – The members of the Ryde Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Cycling Club and their friends, held a very successful fancy dress social at the Foresters Hall on Tuesday, Jan 7th, there were about 120 people in the room.
Jan 17th 1907: SHOOTING TRAGEDY – When P.C. HAYNES was making his nightly patrol of the Esplanade Gardens, he discovered the body of a young man with a revolver in his hand, he had been shot in the temple. He was later identified as Samuel SHAW of Sheffield.