Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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January 1915

Isle of Wight Observer:-

Jan 2nd 1915: YULETIDE – The wounded soldiers at Hazelwood spent an enjoyable X’mas, nothing left undone to ensure their comfort and happiness. All the rooms presented a very seasonable appearance being charmingly decorated with evergreens, flags, etc., by the nursing staff.

Jan 2nd 1915: HOSPITAL – The festivities were not on such an extensive scale this year. A carol party, arranged by Miss PHENE attended and entertained the patients with much appreciated musical selections. On the previous Wednesday another carol party, in charge of Mrs. PAXTON carried out a similarly kind mission.

Jan 9th 1915: RECRUITS WANTED – The 2nd Wessex (Reserve) Brigade are open for recruits, and any man wishing to join for Imperial Service should apply to the Drill Hall, Ryde.

Jan 9th 1915: DANCE – A New Year’s dance in aid of the Belgian Relief Fund was held at the Foresters’ Hall on Thursday night, when the company numbered about eighty. The musical arrangements were in charge of Mr. C. ATKEY.

Jan 9th 1915: CREDIT – Attention is called to the fact that, under the Army Act, a soldier cannot be place under stoppage of pay for private debt and that if inhabitants suffer soldiers to contract debts, they will do so at their own risk.

Jan 16th 1915: CEMETERY COMMITTEE – In accordance with the wish of the Council expressed at the December meeting they had accepted a tender from the Ryde Gas Company for laying gas to the two chapels in Ryde Cemetery, at an estimated cost of £9.16s.0d., and had ordered the work to be carried out as specified. They had also ordered half-a-dozen Archangel mats for the Cemetery.

Jan 23rd 1915: AMBULANCE DUTY – Four members of the St. John’s Division of the Ambulance Brigade, Messrs. A. DALLIMORE, W. PEARCE, J. WARD and W. WILLIAMS, have been mobilised for service in home military hospitals, and proceeded to Southampton on Wednesday.

Jan 23rd 1915: NEW YEAR DINNER – The genial proprietor of the Lake Huron Hotel, Haylands (Mr. C. FALLICK), entertained a number of friends at a New Year’s dinner on the 13th inst. After justice had been done to an excellent spread, the brief time at the disposal of the company owing to the exigencies of the licensing restrictions, was devoted to songs and pastimes.

Jan 23rd 1915: AIRCRAFT – The notification to the public of the presence when known, of hostile aircraft, includes an alarm signal being given on the Church bells of All Saints’, Holy Trinity, and Swanmore. On hearing any unusual ringing from the belfries named, the public are warned to seek such safe cover as is available.

Jan 30th 1915: FIRE – The Fire Brigade, under Supt. HAMMOND, received a call to Alfred-street, Weeks, where a fire had broken out in the roofs of two cottages, owned by Mr. GALLIENNE, and tenanted by Mr. T. DYER and Mr. P. COOMBES. It was discovered that the rafters had become ignited, apparently owing to a defective chimney.

Jan 30th 1915: CONSTABLES – At the Borough Bench on Monday ten more of our townsmen were sworn in as special constables. The Mayor thanked them on behalf of the town for coming forward at the present crisis to assist the police.

Jan 30th 1915: APPEAL – For horses on the battlefield, may we appeal for horse bandages on behalf of the Purple Cross Service.