January 1918
Isle of Wight Observer:
Jan 5th 1918: MEAT – The scarcity of meat in the butchers’ shops ought to prepare people to go in for strict training on vegetarian diet. If the meat purveyors are to be believed, they have been acting the part of philanthropists by selling at a loss.
Jan 5th 1918: PAINT – The bands of luminous paint for the public lamps are still missing. There have been several “casualties” recently owing to the darkness effacing the presence of the iron columns, which maintain a rigid and unbending attitude on the edge of the pavement.
Jan 5th 1918: DEXTERITY – Scooting is a delightful substitute for impossible toboganning for the juveniles of the borough. The dexterity and cleverness which the young “Scooters” display is a source of envy and amazement to some of their elders.
Jan 5th 1918: RESCUE – CURTISS & Son have just built a large boat called the Rescue, their object of doing this is to facilitate the landing of goods when the tide is out. This boat, from its peculiar construction, is actually safer than many life-boats in use, and although it will serve the purpose of CURTISS & Son in their way of business, it will place at the disposal of the inhabitants of Ryde a boat that can with safety be sent to sea in the very worst of weather and if required being used for saving life and property.
Jan 5th 1918: RESCUE – The Royal Humane Society’s medal for saving life was on Thursday presented to Alfred GREGORY, one of the tramway porters on Ryde Pier, for saving the life of a young gentleman, named WILKINS, son of the Rev. Richard WILKINS, of Palmer House. The youth was fishing at the end of the pier, when he suddenly fell into the water, he was just sinking for the second time when GREGORY most gallantly plunged in, and brought him safely ashore. This is the fifth life saved my GREGORY.
Jan 12th 1918: CASTLE HOSPITAL – Thirty-seven patients have arrived during the week, making a total of eighty-seven in hospital. Col. MAYNATH made an inspection of the entire hospital on Tuesday. Mrs. MITCHISON entertained five of the patients to tea last week, and through the generosity of friends several were able to attend the Burlesque matinee at the Theatre Royal on Wednesday.
Jan 12th 1918: COAL FOR COTTAGERS – The Mayor said the Special Coal Committee had disposed of about 20 tons of coal at the Town Yard at 2/4 per cwt to Cottagers and £45/16/8 had been received. An order for 100 tons to be delivered at Southampton at 34/- per ton and the first consignment is on its way.
Jan 19th 1918: BOROUGH BENCH – Wm. POWELL, licensee of the Malt and Hops Inn, High Street was summoned. P.C. WARNE said at 11.20 p.m. on the 31 December he was on duty in the High Street, when he saw a bright electric light showing from defendant’s window, no blinds having been drawn. He called him up and he said he was sorry, but he had forgotten about the light. Defendant was fined 10/-.
Jan 19th 1918: TIMELY AID – On Wednesday evening the Ryde lifeboat, under Coxswain Tom FORD, went off to a fishing smack, which was flying a distress signal. The vessel which is owned by Mr. LOCKE, broke away from her cable and in setting sail to her canvas was torn to shreds, and she drifted perilously near Ryde Sands. The lifeboat crew rendered what assistance they could.
Jan 26th 1918: THEATRE ROYAL – The attraction on Monday and Tuesday was “Somewhere in France,”—a thrilling spy plot, and adaptation for the screen of the last story written by Richard Harding DAVIS, the famous war correspondent. For the week end there is a fine CHAPLIN picture, “The Vagabond.”
Jan 26th 1918: WHIST DRIVE – A most successful Whist Drive, kindly organised by Miss BLOXSOME for the wounded soldiers at the Hospitals, took place on Thursday. There were 51 tables and all those present entered very heartily into the play. The Mayoress presented the prizes.