January 1920
Isle of Wight Observer:
Jan 3rd 1920: FORGED TREASURY NOTES – Spurious one-pound notes are apparently in circulation in the Island, and one of the forgeries, which was detected on reaching the Bank, is in the hands of the police.
Jan 3rd 1920: SCHOONER IN DANGER – Having had a tempestuous time in the Chanel, the French schooner, “Amice” anchored off Ryde and signalled for a pilot. The wind was increasing in fury and Coxswain Albert REEVES deemed that it might be advisable to launch the lifeboat, but he managed to arrange for a tug, which towed her safely to Southampton.
Jan 3rd 1920: GOLF CLASSES – The royal and ancient game of golf which will in future form one of Ryde’s principal attractions, will have classes regularly held here under the management of Mr. Stanley St. John JACOBS, who with his father Capt. C. JACOBS, are the pioneers of this sport in the Island. The new course at Ryde House will, according to the experts, be able to compare favourably with the principle 9-hole golf courses of the country.
Jan 3rd 1920: DOCTORS – There are so many doctors living in a certain part of Ryde that it should be renamed—Harley Street—where the great specialists mostly do congregate.
Jan 10th 1920: EXTENSION – Application was made at the police-court on Monday for an extension from 10pm. to midnight for Yelfs Hotel, on the occasion of a dance. It was stated that the hotel held a dancing license and that no intoxicating drink would be sold after usual closing hour of 10.—Granted.
Jan 17th 1920: DAMAGE IN THE GALE – A gale, which was pretty general throughout the country, prevailed at Ryde during the greater portion of Sunday, a large pane, being blown out at Messrs. FARDELL’s offices in Market Street, whilst at Mr. DOWNER’s refreshment house in Green Street the window came out of its frame. A garden wall fell over at Mr. D. PALMER’s house, also damage to conservatories, and slates blown from roofs.
Jan 24th 1920: ACCOMMODATION – The Council have to submit a scheme for the erection of small houses, and they have to do all they can towards converting the large houses, so long remaining unlet into flats. This has already been done to Siviers Hotel, in Sydney Terrace, and other parts.
Jan 31st 1920: TIMELY RESCUE – During a squall on Monday, a fisherman named STICKLAND was seen in difficulties off the Western shore whilst rowing in one of the carrier’s boats towards his own craft at anchor. He had no rowlocks and losing control was drifting out a considerable distance. When observing his danger an iron worker George DAVIS, employed at the Pier procured a dinghy and with his mate set out to rescue STICKLAND, and they succeeded in towing him back to safety.
Jan 31st 1920: OPERATIC SOCIETY – We direct attention to the announcement of the Ryde Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society that they intend giving four grand performances of the well-known comedy opera “Dorothy,” at the Theatre Royal on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 9th, 10th, and 11th. With special scenery and electric effects, it is believed that “Dorothy,” will even surpass previous performances.
Jan 31st 1920: PETITION – An agitation has taken place amongst the boatmen and fishermen against reducing their accommodation off the Eastern Esplanade. The land is wanted for more bathing facilities. A petition was forwarded by the men to the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Jan 31st 1920: RIFLE CLUB TO BE REVIVED – There was some plain speaking at the second annual general meeting of the Discharged Sailors and Soldiers Organisation (the D.S.O.), which was held at their headquarters, the Welby Institute. Mr. TRODD was asked if he had any proposal to make with regard to a Rifle Range. Rifles could be obtained, and the competitions would keep them together. There should be a range that belonged to the old Territorials they could use.