January 1924
Isle of Wight County Press:
Jan 5th 1924: I.W. CHALLENGE CUP – In this replayed football cup-tie, at Sandown, on Saturday, the home representatives accomplished a highly creditable performance, defeating Ryde, after a splendid game by 5-3. The home side were in fine form and the Ryde defence had a very anxious time.
Jan 5th 1924: ROYAL I.W. COUNTY HOSPITAL – Report for the week ending Wednesday Jan 3rd —Patients admitted 11, discharged 4, died 0, remaining 34; out-patient’s total attendances 126.
Jan 5th 1924: CUCUMBER CULTURE – Most gardeners take a pride in growing early frame cucumbers. These need a considerable amount of skill and experience to produce, requiring as they do, a steady temperature about 70 or 80 degrees. It will be remembered in the early days the importance of preparing the bed for this crop, with a sufficient amount of stable manure, which was readily available then.
Jan 12th 1924: PANTOMIME – Great success has attended the pantomime “Goody Two Shoes” at the Theatre Royal this week. Miss Dora Richmond, who represents Robin Hood so admirably, was unable to appear for part of the performance on account of a bad throat. The production is well staged, and has been a keen attraction.
Jan 12th 1924: BAND OF MERCY – A handsome banner was presented to the Band of Mercy at their meeting on Thursday. It is of gold satin with bronze lettering. The banner was carried by Terence KENNEDY, the eldest member, who joined 30 years ago.
Jan 12th 1924: THRIFT CLUB – Mr. FRANCIS has been elected president of the Trinity Club Thrift Society. The trustees are Messrs. J. H. DIXON and T. HODGKINSON, and Mr. A. BIGGS is secretary and treasurer. A similar club has been formed in connection with the Y.M.C.A
Jan 19th 1924: BINSTEAD – The annual meeting of the branch of the British Legion was held on Monday at the Institute. Lieut.-Col. PAGET-TOMLINSON presided. The Chairman strongly appealed for increased membership. The financial position was reported as satisfactory.
Jan 19th 1924: PRIZE DISTRIBUTION – The annual prize distribution at the Congregational Sunday-school was held on Thursday week, Mr. W. H. TAYLOR presiding. Mr. H. C. FOWLER gave an appreciated entertainment.
Jan 26th 1924: CENTRAL GARAGE & WIRELESS CO. – Our new Wireless Showroom is now open at 6 High Street, Ryde, (next door to Messrs. Parnell & Parnell, furnishers). A large selection of “Valve” and “Crystal” Receiving Sets, for immediate delivery. Low price instruments to suit all pockets. Loud Speakers (several sizes). 1, 2, & 3-Valve Amplifiers in stock. A large stock of Component Parts for the Home Construction. Powerful Receiving Sets may be hired by the day, week, or longer periods.
Jan 26th 1924: A THIEF – entered the residence of Colonel FLANAGAN, C.B., Portland House, Melville-street, on Monday, whilst the family were at dinner. He was disturbed by the Colonel’s bulldog and left without taking anything.
Jan 26th 1924: RYDE’S OLDEST LICENSEE – Mr. A. L. AUSTIN, the licensee of the strand Hotel, is about to retire. His 29 years as a licensee in Ryde made him the oldest of local publicans. For eleven years he has been at the Strand Hotel, and before going to the Strand was licensee of the Black Horse, Castle-street. Mr. and Mrs. AUSTIN will be much missed by the hordes of visitors next summer. They will reside in Argyll-street.