January 1969
Isle of Wight Times:
Jan 9th 1969: BINGO AND BANDITS – Scheduled as a place of historical interest, Ryde’s Royal Victoria Arcade may be developed as an amusement centre, with bingo and gaming machines. Members of Ryde’s Public Works Committee on Monday night voted 6-1 in favour of trying to have the Union Street arcade taken OFF a list of architecturally interesting buildings to give it more chance of being developed as they want it to be.
Jan 9th 1969: SEAT BELTS – Investigations carried out by the Road Research Laboratory emphasise the importance of wearing seat belts which double your chance. Ejections in car accidents, based on investigations into some 800 accidents during the 10-year period, 1955 to 1965, it is shown that the chances of being killed are doubled if you are thrown out of a car in an accident.
Jan 9th 1969: WHAT ECONOMICS? – Considerable criticism in Parliament Press and from the public followed the announcement of the 20 per cent increase in the TV licence fee. The National Viewers’ and Listeners Association feel that the public has a right to know what economies the B.B.C. intend to make before being asked to pay more.
Jan 9th 1969: BOOK REVIEW – “Living with the Pill” is likely to be one of the most remarkable bestsellers of 1969. Paperback rights are now being negotiated throughout the world.
Jan 9th 1969: BUS FARES – An application for bus fare increases due to come before the South-Eastern Area Traffic Commissioners at Ryde Town Hall yesterday, was withdrawn by the S.V.O.C. It followed closely the lines of an application the company intended to make in September, but also withdrew.
Jan 9th 1969: HARRIERS – On Saturday, three Harriers ladies – Angela SALMON, Judy LEACH, and Avril SALMON, will travel to Swindon to compete in the Southern Counties ladies’ cross-country championships. Angela will be competing in the junior event, Judy in the intermediate event, and Avril is travelling as a reserve for the junior event.
Jan 23rd 1969: FOREVER AMBER – Motorists waiting for the traffic lights in Ryde High Street to change on Tuesday about 3 o’clock were disappointed – they were stuck, and police were called to the rescue. A policeman directed traffic until the lights were switched off altogether, then the motorists were left to get on with it.
Jan 23rd 1969: RISKY – What has a white coat and a reflective delivery pouch, and is often active in the early hours of the morning? An elderly kangeroo? A midwife? No. The answer’s a postman – a Ryde postman. The extra hour of darkness imposed by British Standard Time these mornings has made the mail deliverer’s lot a risky one. His traditional dark blue uniform can hardly be seen in a car headlight, and for this reason the G.P.O. is experimenting with new “gear”.
Jan 23rd 1969: PIER TRAMS – Angry at British Rail’s decision to withdraw the Ryde pier tram service on Monday Ryde Borough Council are to ask the railway to give someone else the opportunity of running the trams and making them pay. Yesterday BR announced that a shuttle service would be operated by one electric train
Jan 30th 1969: ALADDIN – A surprise piece of scenery in the Young Vectis Players’ “Aladdin” at the Esplanade Pavilion on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, was a painted backcloth of the pavilion itself. With its pagoda-style roof, it fitted well into the Chinese setting. Saturday’s two performances before packed houses brought to an end the company’s most successful pantomime production.
Jan 30th 1969: PIER TRAM’S WAKE – When the last tram pulled away from the pierhead at 11.15 p.m. a wreath, bunting and stickers had been attached by the I.W. Vintage Machinery Club.