January 1973
Isle of Wight County Press:
Jan 6th 1973: HOMES FOR LONDONERS – The Greater London Council have brought 5.7 acres of privately owned land at Oakhill Road, Springvale, on which they hope to build approximately 30 bungalows for elderly people from the London area. This was one of a number of sites which the GLC were buying in different parts of the country under their seaside and country homes scheme for recently retired people from their estates.
Jan 6th 1973: PANTOMIME – The ingenuity of the Young Vectis Players in achieving special effects on stage was never demonstrated than at the opening two performances of “Robinson Crusoe at the Esplanade Pavilion, Ryde on Saturday. They maintained their reputation for constructing and painting most effective sets, and surpassed themselves with a portrayal of Davy Jones’s Locker, which gave a dramatic undersea panorama with various luminous denizens of the deep swimming apparently unsupported in an ocean black as night.
Jan 6th 1973: CAFÉ FIRE – Prompt action by John PRIMMER, a 19-year-old Post Office engineer, extinguished a fire at outdoor café premises near the Esplanade Pavilion on Friday week. The flames were seen during the evening by Mr. PRIMMER, who dialled 999, then obtained an extinguisher and dealt with the out-break, the fire was out when firemen arrived.
Jan 6th 1973: WORK ON SHOW – Oil paintings representing 55 years of spare time of Lake artist John TUCKER are on show at the Public Library this month. Mr. TUCKER’s pictures are augmented by about 15 water colour costume illustrations and greetings cards by his daughter, Pamela.
Jan 13th 1973: POST OFFICE – Mr. Norman FRY, of 43 Ratcliffe Avenue, Ryde, has been appointed assistant head postmaster, Hastings. In 1939 he joined the Ryde Head Post Office as a sorting clerk and telegraphist. He enlisted in the R.A.F. in 1941 and trained as a wireless mechanic. His work included the servicing of radio equipment on spitfires and as an instructor at Bletchley. He resumed duty at Ryde Head Post Office in June 1959.
Jan 13th 1973: CAR FERRY – The Fishbourne car ferry, Fishbourne, was taken out of service for a few hours late on Saturday afternoon after a seam had opened and the vessel started taking in water. The damage was not serious and was quickly repaired.
Jan 13th 1973: TOURISM – Concerned at the number of hotels and similar establishments which have been closed down to make way for other developments, Ryde Town Council are to set up a working party to shape policy to safeguard Ryde’s future as a holiday resort.
Jan 13th 1973: PRECINCT – The council adopted a recommendation from the Roads Committee that approval in principle be given to the proposal to form a pedestrian precinct in High Street, Ryde, on an experimental basis, subject to the observations of shopkeepers and the general public is obtained.
Jan 20th 1973: LEISURE CENTRE – A Gilbertian situation developed at a special meeting of Ryde Town Council convened on Tuesday for the express purpose of discussing the planning application for a multi-million-pound leisure and pleasure centre at Ryde Airport. Mr. K. L. HEATH, town clerk, and chief executive officer, dropped a bombshell when he told the meeting that the Department of Environment had ruled that 11 members, including Mr. B. G. DONALD, mayor, who had all declared a financial interest in the matter, could speak but not vote.
Jan 27th 1973: JET BOAT – Ryde Lifeguards are to have a new £1700 rescue boat to replace the Seaspray, the largest of their three craft, which has done yeoman service over four years. The delivery date is the end of March, and the Lifeguards are launching an appeal to raise funds out of which they will pay for the new craft.