July 1864
Isle of Wight Observer:-
July 23rd 1864: ROLLING STOCK – A great number of carriages, trucks, &c., for the railway have arrived and been landed on the Ferry Company’s works. Our opinion is that this railway will be, for its extent, one of the best paying lines in the kingdom.
July 23rd 1864: ST JOHN’S CHURCH – A rearing feast took place at St. John’s school room. The additions to the church being now very nearly completed, about 50 of the men in the employ of Mr. Josiah CUTLER, the contractor, sat down to an abundant supply of the good things of this life. The new aisle of the church was opened on Sunday last.
July 23rd 1864: CAUTION TO AMATEUR BOATMEN – Mr. OAKESHOTT, of Pier-street, was about to take two ladies out for a row in his cockle-shell on Monday evening; but they, in stepping in, instead of treading in the centre of the boat, trod on the gunwale, so the boat capsized and plunged the whole party in the water. Fortunately a waterman named BARTON, rescued them from their perilous position, and he was rewarded with five shillings.
July 23rd 1864: TEA MEETINGS – The children of the Wesleyan schools had a grand gala day on Tuesday last. They were marched in procession in considerable numbers. at the head of which were the battalion band, to a field in Spencer-road, kindly lent for the occasion by Sir William MARTINS, where tea was provided.
July 23rd 1864: LETTER TO THE EDITOR – Sir,—Can you in any way call the attention of the magistrates or Commissioners to the notorious practice of fast driving in this town, more so when they have no passengers. If you can put a stop to it before an accident happens, you will confer a benefit to the public and to me. Yours truly… ROBERT PACK
July 23rd 1864: INFIRMARY – We are authorised to announce that the annual grand ball, in behalf of the funds of the Royal Isle of Wight Infirmary, is fixed to take place at the Town-hall, Ryde, on Friday, August 19th.
July 30th 1864: THE QUEEN – On Tuesday evening being very delightful, the Queen in an open phæton drawn by four greys, proceded by an outrider, passed through Ryde, returning by the Esplanade, Pier-street, past the Royal Victoria Yacht Club House, up St. Thomas’s-street, along Spencer-road, where Her Majesty got out of her phæton, apparently to see Sir Augustus CLIFFORD’s new gateway, which is surmounted by the beautiful bronze stag.
July 30th 1864: TOWN HALL – The improvements to this hall are nearly completed, and it will be certainly a very splendid suite of rooms.
July 30th 1864: BUILDING – The contract for the splendid new premises, about to be erected in Union-street for Mr. Jabez HUGHES, has been taken by Mr. James COLENUTT, the work to be completed by Lady Day, 1865.
July 30th 1864: THE PIER – This delightful marine promenade presents the full attractions for which it is famed far and near; as a cool lounge, select without being exclusive, it has few if any equals, especially as the roadstead is crowded with some of the finest yachts in the world; whilst the continual arrival and departure of steamers give animation to the scene.
July 30th 1864: NOVEL VISITOR – A stray horse walked into Mr. ELLIS’ billiard rooms this Friday, and having surveyed itself in a mirror was quietly walked out again without damage.