July 1866
Isle of Wight Observer:-
July 7th 1866: NEW ASSEMBLY ROOM – There being no room in the town large enough for balls, parties, and lectures, the 2nd of July was the time appointed for receiving the plans, and we understand there are nine delivered, so there is no fear but what a room worthy the growing importance of the town will be erected. The subject will engage the attention of the Board at the meeting on Tuesday evening next.
July 7th 1866: PRINCESS HELENA’S MARRIAGE – The Royal Standard was hoisted at the Town-hall on Thursday, and the bells of St. Marie’s Catholic Church rang a merry peal in honor of the above event.
July 7th 1866: TRAMWAY – An Act had been passed to enable the Pier Company to construct a tramway, and if it was carried up to Melville-street it would give all the requisite accommodation and convenience for the transit of passengers to the station. The Commissioners discussed the clauses of the bill at great length, and owing to a lot of opposition, the meeting closed and referred to a later date.
July 14th 1866: “DENTAL ERADO” – We have been favored with the sight of this elegant and ingenious little machine, invented by our talented townsman, Mr. HARRINGTON. The machine is portable, its speed can be regulated with the greatest nicety, and it can be stopped in an instant of time. We consider it to be the most important mechanical arrangement ever invented to eradicate decay and toothache.
July 14th 1866: WORKING MEN’S FETE – This affair came off on Monday last, in the grounds of Westfield, kindly lent for the occasion by Sir Augustus Clifford, bart. The attendance of the Rifle Band was source of great attraction. Among the sports were a number of races, which caused a vast fund of amusement, especially among the juveniles. The sum of £23.1s. was taken at the gates, beside a small sum for refreshments, so that the funds of the institute will receive substantial benefit.
July 14th 1866: CHEAP EXCURSION – We beg to call attention to an advertisement announcing a cheap excursion to London on Sunday next, by the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, from Portsmouth to London Bridge and back.
July 14th 1866: IW BLIND SOCIETY – through the kindness of Mr BOURNE, manager of the Isle of Wight Railway, boxes have been placed at the various stations on the line to receive the contributions of visitors and others who may think it proper on their excursions of pleasure to put a trifle toward the comfort of those who cannot look on the-beauties of the “Garden Isle.”
July 14th 1866: RAGGED SCHOOL TREAT – The children of the Portsmouth Ragged Schools, about 200 in number, were treated to a visit to Ryde on Friday last, when they were hospitably entertained by Dr. LEARMOUTH, of Southfield House, Swanmore. Swings were erected, and other sources of amusement provided, which were highly enjoyed by the young urchins.
July 21st 1866: LAD RESCUED FROM DROWNING – On Wednesday afternoon a son of Mr Samuel MUNFORD, of the Albert Inn, Warwick-street, was bathing off Apley and got out of his depth, and must have been drowned had not Mr. Henry SIVELL, with a promptitude that does him the greatest credit, especially considering the fact that he is not a young man, immediately rushed into the water and rescued the lad, whom he brought ashore senseless. The boy has now recovered his fright and will doubtless feel a deep debt of gratitude to Mr. SIVELL for saving his life.
July 21st 1866: PUNT RACE – A race, for a sweepstake, with two sovereigns added, came off on Wednesday morning at 6 o’clock, between the waiters of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club. The course was from the club steps, round the yacht moored off the pier-head and back. William HOLLAND (head waiter), 1st; John MILES, 2nd; William BRANT, 3rd. Time, ten minutes.
July 28th 1866: ANAK, THE GIANT – This celebrated personage is about to visit the Island. We have recently seen Tom Thumb; but here is a man eight feet in height, being able to lift six hundred weight, and is only 26 years of age. He has been seen in London and the provinces and we imagine few of the Isle of Wight people will miss the opportunity of seeing so great a man.