July 1867
July 6th 1867: AMERICAN SLAVE TROUPE – We have this week witnessed a new feature in Negro minstrelsy by the appearance of a troupe of artistes who were once slaves, and surely none can be more capable of illustrating life on the southern plantations previous to the late eventful war than those who were practically acquainted with it. They have been highly successful in eliciting frequent rounds of applause.
July 6th 1867: ROMAN CEMETERY – A pistrilla (a little pounding mill used by Roman soldiers), the base of an urn, and two rims, these interesting relics, and all the fietile fragments hitherto found in the Roman cemetery at Elmsfield, above St. John’s, I have presented to our Isle of Wight Philosophical and Scientific Society, where they can now be seen in the museum. Your obedient servant, Charles CRAMER. Eastmount.
July 6th 1867: BANKRUPT – H. D. BROOK, Ryde, dealer in books, to surrender July 9, at 2 o’clock.
July 13 1867: PROPOSED NEW ASSEMBLY ROOM – We are happy to hear that the Commissioners are about taking immediate steps with a view of supplying this great want, and if felt to be a want now it must necessarily be more or so as time rolls on. This time is altogether favorable and plans have been fully considered.
July 13th 1867: YACHT – Prince Napoleon’s splendid yacht, the Jerome Buonaparte, anchored off Ryde Pier on Thursday afternoon, when the Prince with his suite paid a visit to the Pier hotel. She is an elegant craft, and attracts the attention of the vast number of persons who throng the pier.
July 13th 1867: THE CEMETERY – We called attention to the improved state of the cemetery since the appointment of the present superintendent, and we now refer with the greatest satisfaction to the proceedings of the Burial Board, wherein it will be seen that an additional £20 per annum was added to the salary of this official. All who walk around this place of sepulture will be struck with its greatly improved appearance.
July 13th 1867: ITINERANT MUSICIANS – Mr. BARNES said he had to propose a resolution on this subject. Last year the inhabitants were much annoyed both with the quality and number of these people, who swarmed the streets. They were annoyed with discord from morning till night. He, therefore, trusted the Board would not allow barrel organs or French pianos in the streets, and none of these people at all after 10 o’clock at night.
July 20th 1867: THE REVIEW – Hotels and lodging-houses had an abundant harvest during the past week, though prices were not extravagantly high—a credit to the town and an inducement for visitors during the forthcoming regattas and the season generally.
July 20th 1867: MISCHIEVOUS VAGABONDS – Worse than Pagans—wantonly desecrated some of the graves in the Cemetery by plucking the flowers which had been reared in pious remembrance of those who sleep beneath. Such miscreants deserve to be placed in the stocks, for they are devoid of all feeling.
July 27th 1867: CLOCK TOWER – Enquiries are constantly being made as to the progress of the work, and much inconvenience is experienced in consequence of the Town-hall being unfit for use. We are happy to hear that the contractor is pushing the work as rapidly as he can and the inconvenience will shortly cease.
July 27th 1867: PURE MILK FROM THE FARM – Francis WOODCOCK, Ashey Farm, respectfully begs to inform the Families of Ryde and its neighbourhood that he will deliver Milk in Ryde, Morning and Evening, at 1s. per gallon, commencing Monday July 1, 1867. Butter, Cream and Cream Cheese supplied fresh. Orders to be left at Mr. BRADING’s, Confection, Union-street, or addressed to the Farm.
July 27th 1867: REMOVED – Mr. C. HAVILL, having removed his School to 65 George-street, (opposite the York Hotel), takes the opportunity of thanking his Friends for the kind support he has received since his commencement in 1860. School will Re-open on Monday, July 15.