Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

July 1869

Isle of Wight Observer:

July 3rd 1869:  TIME TABLES – The Portsmouth and Ryde Steampacket Company have announced that as from and after Thursday, the 1st inst., an extension of the traffic service has been provided by this company.

July 3rd 1869:  BATHING ACCOMMODATION – We are gratified in being able to direct the attention of our readers to the Pier Company’s advertisement respecting the accommodation for ladies’ bathing, which is now open to the public, and will no doubt be extensively patronised.

July 3rd 1869:  ABYSSINIAN PRINCE – Capt. SPEEDY, who has received an appointment in Oude, sailed from Southampton, in the Peninsular and Oriental Company’s steamship Ripon, accompanied by Mrs. SPEEDY, and having in his care the young Prince Almayu, son of the late King Theodore, on their way to Calcutta.  The inhabitants of the Island, among whom the captain has lately resided, will wish himself, his wife and their charge, God speed.

July 10th 1869:  PRESENTATION – Miss COWLEY, who for the last six and a-half years has acted as governess at the St. James’s day school, and who is about to leave and settle in London, has just been presented by the ladies of the committee of the school, including the mayoress, with a handsome writing desk and timepiece.  The children of the school also presented Miss COWLEY with a handsome inlaid workbox, as a mark of their esteem.

July 10th 1869:  TREAT – The children of the George-street Sunday schools had their annual out-door treat on Wednesday afternoon last in a field at Rosemary-lane, kindly lent for the occasion by Mr. Josiah CUTLER.  The Rev. George Allan COLTART, and many of the teachers and congregation were present, contributing to the enjoyment of the children.

July 17th 1869:  FREDDY SPENCER AGAIN – This common disturber of the peace was brought up before the Borough Magistrate on Thursday last, and sent back to his old quarters at Winchester gaol for the space of three months.  We cannot really understand why this expensive disturber should not have his recreation at Fareham instead of Winchester.

July 17th 1869:  EARLY CLOSING – It may not be out of place to remind the tradesmen of Ryde that not only in the City of London but in many of the towns in the South of England a system of early closing and half-holidays is being introduced, which, if followed up, would prove of immense advantage to tens of thousands.

July 17th 1869:  BURIAL BOARD – They are of opinion that the graveyard of St. Thomas’s Church does not belong to the parish.  The obligation to maintain such churchyard in decent order does not fall on the Burial Board.

July 17th 1869:  LETTER TO THE EDITOR – I am now on the point of selecting a quiet watering and bathing place, and should like to visit Ryde again, with two other families, if the improvements that were in contemplation have been made.  The organs last summer were a great nuisance; the pier was the only place to escape from them, which was not always convenient, especially at night.

July 31st 1869:  THEATRE – It is gratifying to record that the business throughout the week has been good, with every prospect of its continuance.  We have had plenty of variety of pieces.  On Saturday night the drama of “All that Glitters is not Gold” was produced; and we mention that Mr. CONSTANTINE’s representation of Jasper PLUM was excellent.

July 31st 1869:  INCONGRUOUS SERVICES – Ryde has been visited by a preacher who seems to have no very acute perception of the fitness of things, and whose cracked voice seems to amuse the loungers on the Esplanade, where he nightly exhibits his talent in oratory.  We cannot see it as a fit way to spread the gospel.