Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

July 1870

Isle of Wight Observer:

July 2nd 1870:  TREAT – On Tuesday last, Miss RAINE, of Haylands House, gave a tea to all the girls, 40 in number, attached to the St. Michael’s (Swanmore) Sunday School.  The repast being over, all adjourned to the grounds, and amused themselves with various games, until nearly 8 o’clock, after which most of the scholars ended a very pleasant afternoon with a hearty service at the parish church.

July 2nd 1870:  NEW FOREST – We call especial attention to an advertisement, announcing a trip from Ryde Pier to the New Forest, on Tuesday next at very low fares.  It is rightly described as a “great,” and we may add, novel treat, of which, we doubt not, many will take advantage.

July 2nd 1870:  NELSON HOTEL – This well-known house having recently changed hands, Mr. MILLER, the new landlord, gave an opening dinner on Thursday evening, in sumptuous style, when about 10 gentlemen sat down to partake of that gentleman’s hospitality.  There was an abundance of champagne, and after the toast of health and success to Mr. MILLER had been given, the loving cup was handed round.

July 9th 1870:  PROPOSED NEW BAPTIST CHAPEL – We hear that the Building Committee have secured a piece of land in Monkton-street for the erection of a new chapel, the foundation stone of which is to be laid in a few days, for the congregation who now meet for worship at the Victoria-rooms, under the pastorate of the Rev. W. J. HALL.

July 9th 1870:  FREE BATHING STAGE – As a proof of the estimation in which this accommodation is held by the inhabitants generally, we may mention the fact that from the opening of the bathing stage on the 9th May, to the present time, over 4,000 persons have bathed there.

July 9th 1870:  ROUND THE WIGHT IN A CANOE – The Count Andrea R. N. METAXA, in his Rob Roy the Fairy, started from Ryde on Coronation Day on a voyage round the Isle of Wight, having previously paddled to Ryde from Ventnor.  The Fairy reached Alum Bay safely on Wednesday afternoon, and there awaits calmer weather.

July 16th 1870:  MUSIC ON THE PIER – The pier has been well attended during the past week, a great source of attraction being the performance of the bands.  The band of the Royal Marines, under the leadership of Mr. J. SMITH perform a varied programme.

July 16th 1870:  LOCAL BANKRUPTCY – In the London Court of Bankruptcy on Monday, before Registrar PEPYS, an adjourned examination sitting and application for order of discharge was held under the bankruptcy of George Henry PARSONS, of Norfolk Cottage, Star-street, Ryde, and Tom SAUNDERS, of Clara Cottage, Arthur-street, Ryde, aforesaid, builders and contractors, carrying on business at Star-street.  His Honour gave them their pass and discharge – order accordingly.

July 16th 1870: ECLIPSE OF THE MOON – The moon was totally eclipsed for an hour and 40 minutes on Tuesday evening, and the horizon being beautifully clear it was seen with much effect at Ryde, and attracted a great deal of attention, many persons being present on the Pier, Esplanade, and other places where a good view could be obtained.

July 16th 1870:  BOROUGH POLICE – Capt. WILLIS, the Government inspector, inspected the borough police force on Wednesday, at the Town-hall.  He afterwards proceeded, in company with the mayor, and examined the books and cells at the police court.  He spoke highly of the men and the efficient way in which the police arrangements were carried out. The force numbered nine constables, two sergeants and superintendent.

July 23rd 1870:  ROMAN COIN – A day or two back, a waterman discovered under a tree near the site of the Old Manor House, an old piece of copper money.  Upon carrying the same to a competent judge, it was decided to be a coin of the Roman Empire.  The coin found near the Manor House, appears to be a unique specimen and is in excellent preservation, and evidently belongs to the reign of Marcus Coeccius Nerva, who succeeded Domitian, A.D. 96, but died of a fever.  The coin, though so sharp and clear, must be nearly 1800 years old.