July 1871
Hampshire Telegraph – Agent Mr. THURLOW
July 15th 1871: COLLECTIONS – On Sunday last collections in aid of the Royal Isle of Wight Infirmary were made at the temporary church and at St. Thomas’s Church, in accordance with previous announcement. The amount realised was £32.
July 15th 1871: BUILDING FUND – Capt. THELLUSSON, commodore of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, has given a handsome donation to the building fund of the new parish church, and the members of the club have determined on erecting the north porch.
July 15th 1871: TOWN REGATTA – A meeting of the inhabitants of Ryde was held at the Justice-room at the Town-hall on Monday night, when a resolution was made that the Ryde Royal Town Regatta take place as usual off the Pier, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 5th and 6th of September next.
July 15th 1871: BOROUGH POLICE COURT – On Monday, Chas GALLOP pleaded guilty to being drunk and riotous in Pier-street, on Saturday night, and expressed his regret at what had happened. The Bench inflicted a penalty of 5s. and costs.
July 19th 1871: EPITAPH – A letter, signed by a number of laymen, has been addressed to the Bishop of Winchester, on the subject of an epitaph which has been inscribed on a tombstone in the consecrated portion of Ryde Cemetery. It must be obvious to all, that “prayers for the dead” are totally against the spirit of the teaching of the scriptures and of the Church of England. In direct opposition to the opinion of the Burial Board, the members of which so objected to the epitaph containing the language of the darkest ages of popery, beseech his Lordship to relieve the anxiety of the members of the Church of England.
July 19th 1871: EXCURSION – On Sunday morning about 1600 persons arrived in Portsmouth from London by a couple of excursion trains, the arrangements for which had been made by the National Sunday League. The majority proceeded to Southsea-pier where three boats belonging to the Port of Portsmouth and Ryde Steam Packet Company, awaited them. Two proceeded on an excursion round the Isle of Wight, while the other crossed over to Ryde. The excursionists were for the most part persons belonging to the respectable working class, and the highly creditable manner in which they conducted themselves was particularly noticeable.
July 20th 1871: BOROUGH POLICE COURT – On Monday, Samuel CLARKE and Samuel STANLEY, two gipsies, were charged with hawking brushes, ropes, &c., the one in Sun-place, and the other in High-street, without previously obtaining market tickets. Both defendants pleaded that they did not know they were transgressing the law. As they both left the town when ordered to do so, the magistrates inflicted the mitigated penalty of 1s. only, and costs, 5s. The money was paid.
July 20th 1871: PUBLIC HOUSE CASE – Ernest HAYLES, keeper of the Partlands Hotel, Partlands-avenue, was summoned for having, on the 16th July, opened his house for the sale of beer before the hour of half-past twelve in the afternoon that day, contrary to the tenour of his license. He was fined 20s., and costs, 5s. The amount was paid.
July 29th 1871: SCHOLARS – On Thursday afternoon the scholars attending the Sunday schools in connection with the George-street Congregational Church had their summer treat. They assembled to the number of some five or six hundred, at the head schoolroom in Melville-street, where they were met by about three hundred teachers and friends. Thence they marched in procession, carrying banners, to a field adjoining Spencer-road, kindly placed at their disposal by Mr. PETERS, where they amused themselves in the manner usual on such occasions.
July 29th 1871: ACCIDENT IN UNION-STREET – On Wednesday, as Mr. SUTTON, of the Aline, and Mr. Gaspard Le MARCHANT were walking down Union-street, a blind outside one of the shops fell upon them. They were both struck on the head with the iron support, and one of them was stunned. Fortunately, however, they both wore stiff hats, which protected them from serious injury.