July 1909
Isle of Wight Observer
July 3rd 1909: PIER PAVILION – On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday there will be nightly entertainments by the Non Parteils, the “Costume Concert Party.” On Thursday, Friday and Saturday Mr Alfred CAPPER, the famous thought-reader, will give entertainment which Mr. PUNCH himself described as “Cappertal.”
July 3rd 1909: LIFEBOAT – The Jubilee of the Isle of Wight Lifeboat Board will be celebrated by a house to house collection throughout the Island in August, in aid of the Island lifeboats, which have saved nearly a thousand lives during the last 50 years.
July 10th 1909: THE PIER – Part 3 of “The Seaside Portfolio” published by George NEWNES Ltd., contains an excellent full page photograph of Ryde Pier.
July 10th 1909: SHOP WINDOW BROKEN – Whilst attending to a blind on Saturday night, Thomas SYLVESTER, an employee of Mr. C. J. De LAUNAY, grocer, High-street, lost his balance and fell from the steps against the window, which was smashed. The man was uninjured.
July 10th 1909: RUN-AWAY HEIFERS – A commotion was caused in the streets of the town on Wednesday, by the behaviour of two heifers which got out of control whilst being driven from the St. John’s-road Station to the premises of Mr. R. RUSSELL, butcher, High-street.
July 17th 1909: GIFT TO THE CORPORATION – Mrs. PHILLIPS has offered to give a framed portrait of her brother, the late Dr. Benjamin BARROW in his Mayoral robes, for display in the Council chamber.
July 17th 1909: THE PAVILION – The So and So’s under direction of Mr. Stuart ALEXANDER, concluded a six day visit on Saturday. Added interest was lent to the visit of Miss Maud DAVIS, a talented performer who comes from a well-known Ryde family.
July 17th 1909: RYDE TOWN COUNCIL – Tenders having been received for forage from J. G. DUFFETT and R. HARVEY and Son, it is recommended that Mr. DUFFETT, being the lowest, be accepted.
July 17th 1909: LICENCES – The General Purposes Committee reported that they had granted: a bath-chair man’s licence to Archibald BRADDY, a bus licence to W. OLD, and a bus or cab licence to Charles VANNER, and they recommend that the Corporate Seal be affixed to these licences.
July 24th 1909: SCHOOL TEACHER INJURED – An alarming accident occurred at St. John’s-road Infant School on Wednesday morning, as the result of which Miss SIBLEY, a teacher in that department, was injured. It appeared that a large piece of plaster fell without warning from the ceiling and struck Miss SIBLEY upon the head. The young lady was stunned by the violence of the impact, and had to be removed to her home. Happily the injuries, beyond the shock, were not serious.
July 24th 1909: ESPLANADE GARDENS – Tennis courts and bowling greens have been provided for the use of the public, and visitors may enjoy the use of them by the payment of a fee of a penny per game. A groundsman is always in attendance.
July 24th 1909: BOWLS – According to one of the few Ryde Tradesmen who do not play it, bowls has ceased to be a game, and has become an obsession.
July 24th 1909: HOSPITAL AMBULANCE VAN – The County Hospital ambulance van is available for the use of the general public when it is not wanted for Hospital patients. The person requiring it must pay for the horses and driver and in addition a sum of half-a-guinea towards the funds of the Hospital.