July 1911
Isle of Wight Observer
July 1st 1911: Y.M.C.A. – The circulating and reference libraries of 9,800 volumes are to be replenished and publish a full catalogue. Many of the books are worn out and others have become obsolete. This is the only public library in the town where residents and visitors can borrow standard works in the numerous departments of literature for a nominal subscription.
July 1st 1911: CORONATION – There were more people in Ryde during the Coronation than there have been for many years. The spectacle of the main street and the Esplanade thronged with people was a very cheering if unwonted spectacle.
July 1st 1911: STEAMER AGROUND – The passengers to Ryde by the 4.10 boat on Monday afternoon were somewhat delayed owing to a mishap to the Princess Margaret, one of the boats of the Joint Railway Companies service. As the vessel was going alongside the Clarence Pier, the tide being very low at the time, she touched bottom and remained aground for about twenty minutes.
July 1st 1911: NAVAL REVIEW – Many who saw the Coronation processions in London as well as the Naval Review were more impressed with the latter. There were visitors in Ryde from all parts of the globe and in one hotel adjoining rooms were occupied by a party from California, a party from Java, and a party from Japan. There were also many Canadians and Australians.
July 1st 1911: EATING – Most people take a dislike to meat in the hot weather, and all too frequently, on that account neglect their meals. Nature itself teaches a lessening of meat diet in hot weather. Everyone fancies fruit and vegetables in the summer, but it must be borne in mind that most fresh fruits are merely cleansers and contain little or no nourishment, the exception being the Greek currant.
July 8th 1911: PECULIAR INCIDENT – A number of members of Ryde Cricket Club were practising at the nets when Mr. B. GULLIVER drove a ball across the field to the hedge. A search was made without result, but when Mr. GULLIVER climbed up the bank he found the ball in a blackbird’s nest that was built earlier in the year.
July 8th 1911: RICK FIRE – On Thursday afternoon, a rick, at Gatehouse Farm, Ashey, the property of Mr. W. RUSSELL, Smallbrook, caught fire. The brigade was called and were promptly on the scene, extinguishing the conffagation before much damage was done.
July 8th 1911: EMPLOYES’ OUTING – The employes of the Vectis Steam Laundry, by kindness of the directors were entertained at a coronation tea, on Saturday last, in the grounds of Binstead Rectory. An extremely pleasant evening was spent, thanks being accorded the directors on the motion of Mr. COOMBES, seconded by the Rev. Mr. DAVEY.
July 8th 1911: EXCITING – Ryde has not been without exciting episodes during the week. Two aeroplanes which passed over the town at a considerable distance caused large crowds to assemble. The other exciting incident was a loud explosion in the middle of the town on Thursday, which gave numbers of people the excuse for loitering and talking for hours. The explosion was caused by a gas main leaking into one of the telephone manholes at the top of Union-street.
July 15th 1911: FLOWER SHOW – The first show of Sweet Peas and Carnations ever held in Ryde will be opened at the Pier Pavilion on Monday week. There will be a good entry and there is not much doubt that the exhibition will be a great success.
July 22nd 1911: POLICE CHANGES – On Sunday next Police Sergeant Richard WATSON retires from the Ryde Borough Police after having completed 30 years service in the Borough. During his police career he has done much excellent work and has earned the respect and esteem of the public. The vacancy caused by his retirement will be filled, by the promotion to Sergeant of James REES, who has been in the force for nearly 19 years, three of which he has been Acting Sergeant.