July 1915
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Jul 3rd 1915: WAR WORK – There has been a fine response to the appeal for war munition volunteers, and the call is being answered with enthusiasm and patriotism. It is only by every city, town and village, contributing its quota, that an adequate supply of skilled labour will be obtained.
Jul 3rd 1915: GOLDEN WEDDING – Mr. and Mrs. LONG, of Arthur-street, having been married on June 28th, 1865, on Monday celebrated their golden wedding. They were the recipients of numerous letters of congratulations and gifts. Later in the day, Mr. and Mrs. LONG, surrounded by all their children, received many old friends to afternoon tea, including Mrs. LONG’s two bridesmaids.
Jul 10th 1915: THE CASTLE – This well-known residence on the Esplanade has been fitted out as a Red Cross Hospital, and the first batch of wounded soldiers arrived on Thursday.
Jul 10th 1915: WELBY INSTITUTE – As the result of the recent sale of work at the Vicarage gardens, a sum of £45 has been handed over for the maintenance of the above named institute.
Jul 10th 1915: SPECIAL CONSTABLES – At the Borough Bench on Monday, Mr. Robert CHAPMAN, George-street, and Mr. Gustav MULLINS, Union-street, were sworn in as special constables for the borough.
Jul 10th 1915: ACCIDENT – On Wednesday evening as a small lad named Frank ASH ran down from his home into the High-street, he came into contact with a motor car belonging to an officer of the Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry. The lad was knocked down, but happily more frightened than hurt. The officer assured himself that no harm had come to the boy before proceeding on his journey.
Jul 10th 1915: GARDEN PARTY – About 120 members of the P.M.E., of the Congregational Church, spent an enjoyable afternoon on Tuesday, in the grounds of Buckland Grange, Spencer-road, kindly lent for the occasion by Mr. G. R. BRIGSTOCKE. An excellent tea was partaken of.
Jul 10th 1915: MINIATURE RIFLE CLUB – The competitions in connection with this Club continue to engage much attention at the outdoor range off Monkton Street, and excellent practice at the targets.
Jul 10th 1915: ENTERTAINED – On Saturday evening an enjoyable concert, arranged by Mrs. G. W. COLENUTT, took place in the grounds of the Davenport Nursing Home, on the Strand, for the benefit of the wounded soldiers there.
Jul 17th 1915: ROYAL VISIT – On Saturday afternoon the Royal Governor of the Island paid a visit to the Castle, on the Esplanade, the use of which has been acquired for the purpose of a Red Cross Hospital. Princess Henry was received by Colonel E. W. CRADOCK, J.P., the owner of the building. Before leaving Her Royal Highness conversed with some of the wounded, and partook of tea in the gardens.
Jul 17th 1915: ICED COFFEE FREE – Starting next week, a demonstration will be given daily at Mr. R. COLENUTT’s, Union-street, on the merits of café frappeé (iced coffee), free samples of which will be provided.
Jul 17th 1915: FLAG DAY – The pupils of the Convent of the Cross spent a busy day on Wednesday selling French tricolour flags for the French Relief Fund. The sale far exceeded their expectations, the amount realised, £11.10s., has been forwarded to the secretary of the fund.
Jul 17th 1915: CLOSING UP – The old established boot and shoe firm of COLEMAN and Sons are giving up their business in Union-street at the end of next month, and in the meantime the stock will be cleared at bargain prices. Mr. BERRY, who for nearly 20 years has been the manager, is to take up a similar position with a firm of bootmakers at Brighton.