Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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July 1916

Isle of Wight Observer:-

July 1st 1916:  WILL-MAKING – Judging by the frequent examples of strange wills that every now and again come to light, there seems to be a strong tendency among a large class of testators to make their “last wills and testaments” as eccentric and peculiar as possible.

July 1st 1916:  HOUSEHOLD HINTS – To prevent hands getting roughened and chapped on washing days, try adding a little vinegar to the rinsing water;  When a metal teapot is not in use, put a lump of sugar into it, and it will prevent the teapot from getting musty;  Corks may be made airtight and watertight by keeping them immersed in oil for five minutes.

July 1st 1916:  HOME NURSING – The first of a course of six lectures on “Home Nursing,” was given in the Town Hall library on Thursday afternoon, by Miss VIBERT, Matron of the Hazelwood Red Cross Hospital.  There was a fairly large attendance.

July 1st 1916:  CERTIFICATE – Mr. Leslie J. P. DUFFETT, son of Mr. J. G. DUFFETT, of the Lion Brewery, High Street, has successfully passed the Board of Trade examination and is now certified as second mate in the mercantile marine, whether under steam or sail.

July 1st 1916:  THIRTEEN YEARS – This week a birthday greetings postcard, posted at Liverpool Dec. 5th 1903, was delivered at St. Mildred’s, West Street, where it was addressed to the occupier’s niece, Miss E. R. ALLEN.  The only other post mark on the card was Toronto, June 10th, 1916.

July 1st 1916:  BENEFIT CONCERT – On Thursday afternoon an excellent concert was given at the Theatre Royal, as a complimentary benefit to Mr. C. Reynolds PAYNE, the talented musical director at that place of amusement.  The Ryde Minstrel Society were responsible for some catchy songs and pretty dances.

July 8th 1916:  MILITARY TRIBUNAL – In the case of Albert E. ASH, 18, single, waiter at the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, the Military assented to temporary exemption until 1st January. Applicant in his written statement pointed out that he was the sole supporter of his mother, two of his brothers were lost in the Queen Mary, and two brothers were serving in the Forces.

July 8th 1916:  FRANCE’S DAY – Friday next will be observed throughout the Island, and country generally, as France’s Day, when a collection will be made for the French Red Cross Fund.

July 8th 1916:  SERIOUS ACCIDENT – On Thursday about mid-day, a collision occurred in Monkton Street, between a cyclist named William JONES, of Westridge Farm, and a motor car belonging to Messrs. E. WARD & Co., in the charge of Frederick W. CHESSELL, and the first named was thrown from his machine with considerable force.  He was taken to the Royal I.W. County Hospital in the car, where he is suffering from fractured ribs and injuries to his head.

July 8th 1916:  DISTINGUISHED CONDUCT – P.C. PALMER of the Borough Police Force, who is now a Sergeant in the Royal Engineers, and serving in France, has been mentioned in General HAIGH’s despatches for gallant and distinguished conduct in the field.

July 8th 1916:  THEATRE ROYAL – “The Four Feathers,” founded on A. E. W. MASON’s famous novel, will be the chief film at this picture house during the first part of next week.

July 8th 1916:  RED CROSS WAR LIBRARY – A letter came to us this week.  “We shall bless the name of the War Library for ever;  I do not know what we should do without your books.”  We have supplied all the Naval and Military sick and wounded since August, we supply 180 hospitals monthly in France, and about 1,800 British Isles hospitals get all they ask for.  We receive 10,000 magazines and books from the Post Office scheme, and need 20,000—we want as many as possible—please send books and games.